Module #2 - "MANIFESTATIONS" - Spring 2021

Class led by Prof. Sindor Aloyarc

Moderator: Prof. Sindor Aloyarc

Prof. Sindor Aloyarc
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Module #2 - "MANIFESTATIONS" - Spring 2021

Post by Prof. Sindor Aloyarc »

Welcome to the Module 02 "Manifestations" thread! Write some kind of a Short Story or Poem that revolves around this month's Power ("Scroll-and-a-Half" / 150 words). Let those creative juices flow! In addition to submitting via e-mail, you are encouraged to post these publicly here. While this will not effect your points, it will encourage interactions by providing additional options for people to to connect on, particularly for those who take part in the "Mingling" portion of this month's exercises if they enjoy or relate to your work and choose to talk about something you've shared.
Deputy Headmaster | Deputy Head of Ravenclaw
"⁠—Starry, starry night. Paint your palette blue & grey."
Carrie Warts
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Re: Module #2 - "MANIFESTATIONS" - Spring 2021

Post by Carrie Warts »

Hope is a power that is in all of us,
we can choose to use it at any given time.
it's very strong if you have cultivated it,
and it's very weak if you have left it aside.

Hope is a power that is in all of us,
we can choose to use it at any given time.
it can give us strength in difficult times,
or bring us down when we feel like giving up.

Hope is a power that is in all of us,
we can choose to use it at any given time.
some show it to the world aloud,
others keep it locked in chains for awhile.

Hope is a power that is in all of us,
we can choose to lose it at any given time.
when things are very complicated and rough
when something goes away not to come back.

Hope is a power that is in all of us,
from the moment we are born,
to the moment we pass,
hope should always remain in our hearts.
Thank you Ivey for my lovely first Siggy <3
Prof. Will Lestrange
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Re: Module #2 - "MANIFESTATIONS" - Spring 2021

Post by Prof. Will Lestrange »

It seemed as if the storm would never end: four days of nonstop rain and wind so far. And I had to get up unusually early today for an appointment! Dragging myself out of my comfortable bed as the clock was striking six, I suddenly found myself missing the warmth the bed covers provided. But, looking out the window, I saw something different. Instead of the dark gray of clouds and rain, the colour I saw was a bright orange for a change. For the first time in five days, the sun had decided to make an appearance - and seeing its light immediately imbued me with hope. It only took a few minutes to get dressed, pour myself a bright orange glass of juice, and prepare to walk to my appointment. As the sun shined down on me, I was reminded of hope and confidence that things would start improving, just like the weather was. I approached the building where the appointment was (every room had a waterfront view of the river, which again had the potential of making people hopeful) and knew that I would be able to impress my potential new client...
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