Assignment One - Discussion

Class led by Prof. Ryan Granger

Moderator: Prof. Ryan Granger

Prof. Ryan Granger
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Assignment One - Discussion

Post by Prof. Ryan Granger »

Please post your class discussion for Assignment One below.

Make sure you answer the following questions:

1. What's the most interesting thing you learned in this lesson?
2. What kind of soap scent would you be if you were a bar of soap?

Feel free to add more though!
Prof. Ryan Granger | Ravenclaw Head of House | Most Likely Lost
Sadie Bean
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Re: Assignment One - Discussion

Post by Sadie Bean »

I really enjoyed learning about the history behind soap because I did not realize that it went as far back as the Babylonians and the Egyptians. I also liked learning about the different ingredients that go into into soap.

If I was a bar of soap, I would be a vanilla scent, as I think that I am a sweet person and I do like the smell of vanilla.

In the future I hope to find more infusions for soap smells, as normally you would only find one soap scent, so having more than one would be cool.
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Re: Assignment One - Discussion

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

1. What's the most interesting thing you learned in this lesson?
I had no idea about the legends of the beginning of soap-making; I'd actually never really thought about it. The whole idea of people observing consequences of interaction with natural sources, and noting the differences, and then choosing to embellish and/or duplicate that process is just sort of fun.

2. What kind of soap scent would you be if you were a bar of soap?
I read this question and immediately thought 'sage'. Why sage? It's not as fragrant as rose, not in the same way, and it's not a sweet scent, like many of the more popular fragrances, nor is it a cool, or bracing, scent like mint. But I like the smell of the leaves and I think the flowers are very pretty. I grow a couple of different types of culinary sage and use white sage for smudging sometimes.
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Jessica Barnes
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Re: Assignment One - Discussion

Post by Jessica Barnes »

Hi I thought this class was really interesting. The most interesting thing I learned in this class was Ancient Egyptians used soap. I thought that part was cool. I also learned about the soap tax which i didn't know about before today.

I thought about this for a long time and my soap scent would be Warm Vanilla Sugar or Cucumber Melon. The warm vanilla sugar because it smell sweet and warm just like a hot sugar cookie. The Cucumber Melon because it gives off this fruity sweet smell.
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Re: Assignment One/Seven - Discussion

Post by Jessica Barnes »

Lesson 7-Class Discussion:
1) What kind of foods aren't good to use a fork for? There are different kinds of food out there that are not good to use with a fork such as potato chips they are to thin. Ice Cream was also not be good to use with a fork the reason behind this is it would quickly melt before it left the bowl. Sushi becasue while you might think it would be easy to stab and eat however; sushi is better suited for chopsticks.

2) Discuss what you think is the most useful utensil out there. I believe the most useful utensil out there are tongs. Tongs can be used to pick up, flip. or even place certain foods down. Tongs can be used while frying, sautaing, or placing food on someones plate. Tongs are also good use for when you are Bar-B-Queing and you need to flip over steak/
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Prof. Kendra Givens
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Re: Assignment One - Discussion

Post by Prof. Kendra Givens »

1. What's the most interesting thing you learned in this lesson?
I think it was interesting (and shocking) to learn that people were ordered to be executed over skin-irritating soap. I know that King Louis XIV was an interesting character, but that is just a tad outrageous. It makes me wonder who else he had executed for similar trivial issues.

2. What kind of soap scent would you be if you were a bar of soap?
Even though I am not a huge fan of the scent, I think I would be lavender. Lavender can be overpowering in large quantities, but it is typically gentle and unassuming. People rely on it to help them calm down or destress. It is a scent that is also fairly universal and liked by a variety of people.
Aurelia West
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Re: Assignment One - Discussion

Post by Aurelia West »

1. What's the most interesting thing you learned in this lesson?
I think the thing that will stick with me most out of everything this lesson covered was the Roman legend of the origin of soap. I found it fascinating and remain impressed at human ingenuity and the way the mind can make connections. I'm definitely excited to delve into other similar legends. Something else I hadn't realized was how long soap had been around. While I'm glad to hear it, it nonetheless surprised me, though admittedly I occasionally have trouble picturing events on a timeline.

2. What kind of soap scent would you be if you were a bar of soap?
I think I would be a mint soap. Sharp at times, yet refreshing and a staple scent. I also think of mint as a soothing scent that helps with aches and pains, and I think I aim to be a comforting presence in a similar way.
Prof. Will Lestrange
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Re: Assignment One - Discussion

Post by Prof. Will Lestrange »

1. What's the most interesting thing you learned in this lesson? The most interesting thing I learned in this lesson is the way soap was discovered and produced in Rome. Knowing of the Middle Ages as a time associated with dirt, I never would have thought that there was soap making knowledge in Europe just before that period. And the thought of large scale mass production of soap via factories is itself interesting - when I think of mass production of anything (by Muggle means) as being much more recent: at least the Renaissance!

2. What kind of soap scent would you be if you were a bar of soap? The scent that comes to mind is chocolate. Although a relatively rare scent, it is not unheard of; in fact, there are collections that feature multiple different types of chocolate scents! I love the taste of chocolate and its complex flavour, and as such, the idea of bringing it to a soap is fascinating as well. To clean myself with the scent of delicious food without making a mess would be worth it!
Olivia Thorneblood
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Re: Assignment One - Discussion

Post by Olivia Thorneblood »

1.What is the most interesting thing you learned in this lesson?

I found it amazing that archaeologists ascertained that the Babylonians had recipes for soap as far back as 2800 B.C. I also did not know that German scientists created the compounds called detergents.

2. What kind of soap scent would you be if you were a bar of soap?

The scent would have to be lite in fragrance and soothing at the same time. I know already that manufacturers try to create this smell but they have not accomplished it. I want the "real" beach scent with the ocean, sand and a hint of suntan lotion. I feel more relaxed already. Maybe I'll call it "Beach Dream".
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Rory Devaney
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Re: Assignment One - Discussion

Post by Rory Devaney »

1. What's the most interesting thing you learned in this lesson?
I think the most interesting thing I learned in this lesson is how far back soap actually goes in history. It dates back all the way back to the Babylonians, that just seems crazy to me.

2. What kind of soap scent would you be if you were a bar of soap?
If I was a bar of soap, I think my scent would probably be a mixture of a campfire, citrus and ocean. I really like just going down to the beach to watch the waves or sit by a campfire and stare into the flames.
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