Diagon Dealings Intro

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Gail Allen
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Diagon Dealings Intro

Post by Gail Allen »

This year Hogwarts has partnered with four shops in Diagon Alley to help Hogwarts students brush up on their business skills. Several students have been working hard all year designing concepts for new products that the shop keepers could either sell or use in their shop.
Now however, the shop owners must be convinced that these ideas are in fact going to be profitable if they are to invest.
That is where you come in; everyone who signs up for this activity will be put into one of two teams who will compete to see which team is better at winning over the shopkeepers (the team with most overall sales by the end wins). You will receive a pm with your team.
You will complete tasks as an individual, rather than working on them as a group. Everything you do will benefit your team though and everyone's contributions will carry the same weight.

The way to convince the shop owners will be through completing tasks set by them; this could either be directly related to selling the products that have been designed (like a sales pitch or demonstration) or winning their favour by helping out around the shop. The shopkeepers you will be attempting to win over are Flavius Jigger of Slug and Jigger's Apothecary, Madam Malkin of Madam Malkin's Robes for All Ocasions, Florien Fortescue of Florien Fortescue's Icecream Parlour and Agatha Fulbright of The Magical Menagerie.
When a certain amount of tasks have been completed by members of a particular team, the shop owner will be convinced and agree to buy, meaning the team has made a sale.
However, like in the real world, some people are harder to convince than others and each shop owner has a different number of tasks (and even combination of tasks) that will convince them to buy, so keep that in mind when you're trying to coordinate your efforts!

Creative tasks may be completed multiple times (only once every 24 hours per person though, and only the first completion will count for house points), so sales are unlimited and will continue to stack up as long as your team keeps turning in tasks, as long as you repeatedly meet the requirement of the shop owner you are trying to sell to.
At the end of each week it will be announced how many purchases each shop owner has made from each team. That's when you can start working as a group to see if you can work out whom it's easier to sell to or where you should be concentrating your efforts.

20th July: First batch of tasks Posted (8 tasks)
27th July: Purchase update posted
3rd August: Second batch of tasks (8 tasks) + Purchase update posted
10th August: Purchase update posted
17th August: Everything due

There will be no sign-up cut-off date and people can join at any point throughout the entire activity, but must sign up in order to be assigned a team. There will be no weekly due-dates and everything will be due by the end of the activity. Remember that you can complete each creative task once every 24 hours in order to keep earning sales for your team (this doesn't apply to puzzles).

Points and awards are given out on an individual basis and are not determined by which team wins.
Points and beans will only be awarded once per completed task.
80 points in all: 5 points per task
80 beans: 5 Beans per task

Dilligent Dealmaker award for those who complete all tasks
Dealmaker award for those who complete at least half of all tasks
Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis
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Re: Diagon Dealings Intro

Post by Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis »

The Dapper Dealmakers
Adaleine Shuster
Astor Arensin
Carrie Warts
February Fortescue
Isa Vestal
Katelin Ross
Lorainia Riverrider
Malvina Larsen
Maxim Trevelyan
Mia Fountain
Sindor Aloyarc

The Suave Sellers
Alexander Brighton
Amy Darvill
Amy Smith
Arianna Stonewater
Emily Spencer
Iverian Gnash
Kendra Givens
Prof. Rorey Padfoot
Sparky McPup
Torii Taylor
Will Lestrange
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Re: Diagon Dealings Intro

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Remember that everything is DUE by the end of the day, August 17th.

We use HOL Hogwarts time -- so that if you live in a country which is hours behind Britain, like me on the west coast of North America, that means August 17th, 3:59:59 pm.

Wonder what HOL time and date it is right now? Click here.
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