Week 1: Who are you - Describe your Home Planet

Prof. Alexander Brighton
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Week 1: Who are you - Describe your Home Planet

Post by Prof. Alexander Brighton »

As part of your training, your class will go to the home planet of each of you younglings. You have each been given the task of presenting your planet to the class. It is of course important to tell everyone something of the flora and fauna one can expect to find there as well as the landscape. What does the place look like? Are there certain dangers to look out for? Certain sights that absolutely must be visited? Anything else you think is important for the class to know before going there?

*You are welcome to describe Earth, or any other real planet, but you are also more than welcome to make one up and use your imagination.

Post your answer below by 11.59 pm on the 31st of May to earn 5 points.
Prof. Maxim Trevelyan
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Re: Week 1: Who are you - Describe your Home Planet

Post by Prof. Maxim Trevelyan »

Kar'ta comes from a planet called Mor'go, home to Morgoans, green-skinned species known for their thirst for knowledge. Mor'go is a very densely populated planet, with almost no forested areas left due to Morgoans using every space, save water, for habitation. That led to a significant reduction in the numbers of the local fauna and flora, where only aquatic life is still persisting. Extinct or nearly extinct species that can be found on land are only viewable in specialized zoos and reservations.

Mor'go's pride and joy are its tall buildings, especially those devoted to the pursuit of knowledge. These buildings are gilded with gold trimmings and are the tallest on the planet, stretching even higher than the clouds.

As there is a distinct lack of animal life, there are no physical dangers on Mor'go, but there are plenty societal ones. Mor'goans live in a strict caste system according to what Terrans might call 'Dewey Decimal Classification' and it is nearly impossible to escape from, barring leaving the planet and Mor'goan society behind. It is very encouraged that Mor'goans only make bonds with those from the same caste and as a consequence, Mor'goans are very self-reliant people, almost never trading with outsiders.
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Iverian Gnash
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Re: Week 1: Who are you - Describe your Home Planet

Post by Iverian Gnash »

April is from the planet Arisvage, where the Vages reside. The planet is relatively small according to some people's standards and most of it is covered in rainforests with streams running through and waterfalls trickling down rocks. Upon arrival, you will notice a cleared section for all space crafts as Arisvage is a friendly planet, welcoming visitors as it's surrounded by other planets in close proximity.

After leaving the cleared section, you will enter the jungle which will be rather difficult to walk through since all Vages can fly with their silky black wings. You may want to bring hover drones with you to navigate around in. Above the canopy are our houses made out of the tops of the trees. The branches are curved around to form little globe like structures with openings in the front. The buildings and paths which are only there for visitors as Vages fly everywhere are all on top of the trees and made out of leaves as well. From the ground, you can't see the city above because the tree branches are forming a sort of ceiling while everything is built on top of that ceiling.

To reach the city, you must either use a drone to get up yourself or use a tree elevator which is exactly what is sounds like - an elevator inside a hollowed out tree that will bring you up top.

Vages are very friendly creatures and are generally a peaceful civilization. They're very social and frequently visit other planets. Their planet is nothing to be afraid of, just be careful around their leaf structures as they tend to get very upset if a branch is snapped.
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Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Re: Week 1: Who are you - Describe your Home Planet

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Lufta Solo comes from Corellia

Corellia has a temperate climate; it's quite nice and you can find cold areas and hot areas so whatever you want to experience is there. It's covered with oceans and forests and jungles and deserts, mountains and plains and canyons -- and urban areas tucked into some of those places. Some of those who live in the urban areas are Barbadelans, Besalisks, Czerialans, Grindalids, Del Dor, Pa'lowicks, Rodians, Sullustans, Twi'leks and Ugor and humans.

For those who like the technical stuff, it's a home to shipyards and is well known for its large starships and the ace pilots who fly them. Before they had space travel, the wanderlust infused inhabitants of Corellia sailed their oceans but after space travel became a thing, exploration and colonization went on a rampage, which slowly decreased as time went on.

If you are wanting to explore the areas of nature, native animals include fleek eels and Corellian hounds. There are many non-native animals there, brought by the explorations which happened early on. Some of them, horses in particular, have increased in number as they are used in the herding of some of the domesticated breeds of Flippets (a fleece-bearing animal), Tribbles (a creature valuable for dairy products) and Xaxaxrt (a species used in various ways). There are mountains to hike and climb, seas to sail on and rivers to canoe. The flowers of Corellia are famous, too, and used for decoration, medicinal and culinary purposes.

It's a lovely planet with a lot of flora and fauna to balance out the urban areas. Probably the most dangerous species on the planet are those which inhabit the urban areas.
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Prof. Will Lestrange
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Re: Week 1: Who are you - Describe your Home Planet

Post by Prof. Will Lestrange »

The defining feature of my home planet is a mystical, clear substance that is sometimes said to be blue. The substance exists in many different forms: a frozen form (which you can find on the ground during the cold season - or year round in certain parts of my planet), a liquid form (which covers the majority of the surface of the planet) and even as an invisible gas that blends into the planet's atmosphere. This substance is so important and fundamental that it has a simple, five-letter name that nearly everyone on my planet knows: "water". Many of the native flora and fauna live on or underneath this "water", but even those who live on the other parts of the planet still have their lives determined by water. It makes up a significant part of the mass of this planet's living beings, and plays an important role in their diet as well. But as important as it is, it can also be dangerous: not all of the planet's organisms are suited to breathe it, for example! In order to truly understand this planet, I would strongly recommend that you understand "water" - but if you are not familiar with it, it is probably best to observe it from a very safe distance.

[In case this isn't clear, the planet I am describing is our very own Earth!]
Prof. Sindor Aloyarc
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Re: Week 1: Who are you - Describe your Home Planet

Post by Prof. Sindor Aloyarc »

Alnilam (meaning "Belt of Pearls") is the central star in Orion (the Hunter)’s Belt, between Alnitak and Mintaka.

Inside of Alnilam is Orgendino’s planet, Hklcde (pronounced "GLISS-tuh," meaning "Many Hued"), home to Dreinkhan (“drine-KON”), Dragon being(s) ranging in both size and color, who operate with a singular Hive Mind.

This deep connection to and understanding of Their Queenself (which here refers to a position/title, rather than a gender specific role) comes not from a lack of free-will —that Dreinkhan feels very much entitled to— but instead from an incredible "Interdependence With One-and-Other” where "A Single Voice Honors All.” Unanimously both trusted and preferred, this comes from a rich gathering of experience, not born out of blind Faith, including full communication and disclosure between all parts of the whole.

This species is intrinsically bonded in eternal evolutionary relation to Hklcde, and so identify themselves as this higher body of the planet Themself. Queen Consciousness is typically a job performed by Dreinkhan Elders. In certain instances younger Dreinkhan will be appointed for short periods between transitions of leadership or to carry out tasks within their specialized skill sets.

Hklcde is not so formal that They expect to be referred to by any official title, however it is helpful to have some context of the culture for optimal co-mingling during visitations. They are a relatively small planet in the grand scheme. Perhaps a better word choice is "Island" among Manylands. An appropriate illustration, particularly for outsiders who cannot perceive Their bottom spherical half, which is made up of musical vibrations, ancestral dreamscapes, and spiritual ether of All Living and Dying within Their System. Appearing to others from the upper-half as a tropical beachland surrounded by what looks and acts similar to water.

This electric-blue, liquid-like substance and the black, finely ground seashell-like beach sands are uniquely equipped to offer species of all kinds the exact atmosphere necessary to support each of one's own livelihoods. This not only provides protection and a sense of personal expressionary style for the planet, but also offers a space of relaxation and entertainment, in addition to an area for sending and receiving guests.

Imagine all of Hawaii, but instead of a base green, Hklcde’s foliage is mostly made up of a bright, iridescent pink with fruits and vegetables which can similarly shift their nutritional index toward accommodating those who are seeking, and what it is that they need or desire.

While there are versions of home shelters, work stations and social/recreational community areas, as well as certain kinds of temples and monuments, etc., these mostly rely on the repurposing of preexisting natural structures (including caves and various kinds of wooded areas) that are being utilized in their most organic state, save minimal tweaking for functionality.

Those who visit must psychically agree to “open up” and tap into Hklcde's shared planetary connection. Because of this, you would have no trouble exploring around, vibing in the direction of whatever you're trying to do or information you'd like to receive while within Their bodily terrain.
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February Fortescue
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Re: Week 1: Who are you - Describe your Home Planet

Post by February Fortescue »

Lyra Dreamsinger comes from a planet known by her people as Serea Tovvie. Serea Tovvie is a small and often overlooked planet which orbits around the Delta star of the constellation the Earthers call Cassiopeia.

Cassiopeia is composed of several supernova stars; however, because Delta star is rather small and Serea Tovvie rotates very slowly, the habitat is a bit different from earth's. The temperatures on the entire planet are mild, because of the effects of the supernovas on three sides, and Delta star on the other, but there is continuous light. Serea Tovvians love the sunlight and take full advantage of this. Their homes are partially composed of crystal and gemstones, which they have purchased from other planets. They are also among the most beautiful creators of stained glass, and while Earthers paint portraits, Serea Tovvians immortalize themselves in miniature glasswork.

The citizens of this planet did notice a need for sleep, but they are so accustomed to the light that it does not interfere with their sleep patterns. Each Serea Tovvian sleeps, on average, four hours. At the end of the four hours, they awaken and go about their activities. When they become sleepy, based on the activities they are involved in at the time, they go to sleep another four hours. This cycle simply continues.

Plant life is abundant, and the Serea Tovvians have perfected greenhouses similar to those found on earth. Their diet consists entirely of plants and liquid from fruits and other plants.

While not perfect, Serea Tovvie does not have a military. It is a rather small planet, so it does not have a large governing body. Conflict is resolved by a vote from the majority, after everyone who wishes to have a say has spoken. The currency is a very simple barter and trade system. They have a spectacular library, as well as a lovely auditorium for those who are creative.

Some Serea Tovvians have unique skills. Some, although not many, have the ability to join their minds with other minds, as well as telepathy. Some have the ability to appear in the dreams of others. Others can heal through singing.

Serea Tovvie is a wonderful place to live.
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Lorainia Riverrider
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Re: Week 1: Who are you - Describe your Home Planet

Post by Lorainia Riverrider »

Annburr is from the planet Vodaohen It is a smaller planet. From the out side Vodaohen is a marble of blue and orange. The planet is quite strange because it is the only place that has been found where fire and water meet without hurting each other. The animals and plants have adapted to live in extreme heat and cold. There are incredible tall tress with bright red and orange leaves. The best place though that is a must see, is the falls. It is a place on the far side of planet Vodaohen were a fall of fire and a fall of water meet, but do no harm to each other. The fire warms the water a little and the water cools the fire a little, but otherwise they co-exists perfectly.
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Emily Spencer
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Re: Week 1: Who are you - Describe your Home Planet

Post by Emily Spencer »

Ky'lia hails from the planet Xubos, a rather insignificant planet located in the Almanian Sector. It's most distinguishing feature is the fact that it is split dead center by an ugly patch of wasteland known as The Scar. How one would describe the planet largely depends on which side of The Scar you happen to be describing, for the two are almost polar opposites. No one is exactly sure how The Scar happened, but it is widely believed that Xubos was once a rather lush planet with a tropical climate that found itself on the wrong side of an ancient war. Oddly enough, the war had nothing to do with them, but they were caught in the crossfire, and The Scar was the unfortunate result.

The land east of The Scar is as close to paradise as one is likely to find. It boasts a temperate climate with all four seasons behaving properly and not causing any unpleasant surprises for its residents. The land is a mix of urban and rural, complete with lush rolling hills dotted with farms and Cracian Thumper ranches. These pack animals are actually one of the main sources of income for East Xubos. Unlike Byss, another Outer Rim territory, Xubos had no need to develop a system of taproots to extract enough water from its soil for the crops to thrive. The soil is dense and rich in nutrients, able to sustain and nourish most any sort of plant grown there.

The urban areas of East Xubos are no less impressive, said to rival even those of fair Coruscant itself. The official capital of Xubos is Silvermoon City, named both for the twin moons of the planet and as a subtle nod to the wealth of its citizens. Silvermoon, like most cities of East Xubos, are bustling metropolises of various enterprises ranging from military contracted shipbuilders to oil magnates sitting rather comfortably in their glass and ivory towers. The cities boast a vast network of interconnecting railways and tunnels, making travel between them accessible to all citizens. Silvermoon City itself is a bastion of culture, a place where budding new artists from various fields come to study and ply their craft. In short, East Xubos has not earned the nickname 'Utopia' in vain.

And then, there is West Xubos, an area as dismal and bleak as its moniker, The Drag, suggests. The land almost seems to be doing battle with itself, rocky foreboding outcroppings gouged with deep pits riddled with jagged bits of stone and the metal scraps discarded by the scavengers who call the area 'home'. What grass the area does have grows in snarled clumps whose sole purpose seems to be entangling anyone foolhardy enough to attempt to traverse across it. Even the air in The Drag is inhospitable, thick, murky, and unpleasantly humid. If that isn't enough of a selling point to 'never going there', then the fact that the fierce nexu also calls the place home should give anyone pause. A cross between a rodent, tiger, and panther, this animal does not take kindly to interlopers.

There are very few proper towns in West Xubos, most settlements being little more than thrown-together metal shacks whose primary function is to serve as posts for the scavengers, looters, and thieves to do business. That is not to say that towns do not exist, mind you. But unlike their eastern counterpart, the towns of West Xubos are dingy and haphazard, full of harsh angles and ramshackle shanties that appear barely habitable. The cobbled streets are buckled and uneven, and the streets are littered with garbage and vermin, both of the non-human and human variety. The main city is Temia, which seems to be perpetually coated in a dusting of ash. The buildings of Temia are as sad as their surroundings, the metal rusting and corroding, the paint peeling and yellowed with age and neglect. The only real color is the scarlet red of spilled blood splashed randomly here and there; a leftover reminder of what could happen when a person forgets to mind their own.

There is no network of transportation in West Xubos; everyone is left to their own devices when it comes to getting from one place to the other. If one is feeling incredibly brave, the tunnel system underneath the city can be traversed, and if rumor is to be believed, there are some who have taken to underground as their primary dwelling. The pea soup swill of water and waste notwithstanding, one could almost argue that underground is actually a far cry better than above; at least the cooler air is easier to breathe and relatively smoke-free. Hardly a glamorous selling point, but it is what it is.

The people of West Xubos tend to be as hard as the land on which they live. It is not a place for the weak of heart or body, and age and gender are no guarantees of coddling. That is not to say that all who live there are bad, mind; there are some very good people who have come from there. In fact, one of the new Jedi apprentices, Ky'lia is a product of West Xubos. Make no mistake, though, the grit of her homeland runs deep in her veins. You have been warned.
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Mia Fountain
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Re: Week 1: Who are you - Describe your Home Planet

Post by Mia Fountain »

Tia comes from a planet called Nol, it is a forested planet with a large city in two areas, the north and the south.

The northern city is in a mountainous area and it is much colder then the southern area. The people of the northern city are hunters and gatherers. They have a few small farms in some of the valleys, where the fields are protected from the bitter winds that are present throughout the year.

The southern city is located by the sea and has a temperate climate. It has a thriving marketplace and the people there trade with each other and the northerners, for various goods. The people here are known for the the lumber and food that they harvest for exporting to other planets.

There is only one main road between the two cities, and it is advised that you don't veer off the road and into the forest. It is extremely easy to get lost in the forest and be unable to return to civilization, there are also many dangerous creatures, many of which there isn't much known about, except through legends. If you do travel this road remember to bring something to help you navigate and food and drinks, in case you end up in the forest.
Mya Abititeux
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Re: Week 1: Who are you - Describe your Home Planet

Post by Mya Abititeux »

Zala comes from a planet mostly commonly referred to as Linkogh, but it has never received an official name. The reasoning for the planet not being properly named is unknown, though many different stories have been passed along for generations in attempts to put reason to it.

Her home planet is a relatively large one but it's only the third-largest in its galaxy of five. Most of the land is covered in hot, dry desert wasteland where few plants can grow and lifeforms have an incredibly slim chance of survival. The other half of the planet is separated into three sections:

Thumik is a large densely populated city that is considered the planet's capital. The highest position of power is held by three different citizens. They are highly respected individuals and you will very rarely hear of anyone speaking out against them. In Thumik, you are only permitted to have three pets per household. If your home contains more than three pets you can be fined up to 1,000 sums, which is the official currency of Linkogh.

Athop is sparsely populated and separated into about two dozen unofficial communities. It contains all of the planet's farmland. Agricultural is a very lucrative business if you can handle the dry soil because no food can be produced in Thumnik. Seven of the ten wealthiest citizens of Linkogh ever were either Athopian butchers or farmers.

Nurip is home to all of the wildlife native to the planet other than what manages survival in the desert. Its perimeter is surrounded by a high, thick stone wall that acts as a fence with a glass roof to keep the unwanted flora from growing in Thumik and Athop, as well as to keep the fauna from roaming free. This was done to contain both the yelok, a jet black snake-like creature whose skin holds poison for months after it's been shed and puria, a bright red berry that induces varying levels of hallucinations.
Isa Vestal
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Re: Week 1: Who are you - Describe your Home Planet

Post by Isa Vestal »

Before you read: I’m sorry for how long this is. I just start word-building and literally can’t stop because I have so many ideas! Also if you see numbers throughout the paragraph (eg: ❶) that means there is a footnote at the bottom of each paragraph where you can find the definition or a little background information about the place or thing I’m referencing. I would usually put those in quotations but it seemed like it would be interrupting too much to do that. A lot of my planet is based on actual Star Wars canon/ Legends so you’ll probably see a lot of references that you don’t know (and that I certainly didn’t know before looking at Wookiepedia). I go pretty in depth and do talk about science a bit so you can skip those parts if they bore you haha. Anyways, here we go:

I’sa Vestal is a sub-Iridonian Zabrak, meaning that her species originated from the planet of Iridonia (canonical planet) but has, since, moved off-planet to the Iridonian colony of Niuq 5D7 <pronounced nyook 5D7> and has evolved since. Niuq 5D7 is a moon of the planet Rustibar, located around 1000 parsecs away from Iridonia. Niuq 5D7 is in block J7 in the Mid Rim and is relatively close to planets such as Dantooine ❶ and Coruscant as well as the moon of Jedha ❷.

Footnote 1:
❶ the first location of the Rebel base, mentioned in “A New Hope” by Leia Organa to Darth Vader as a decoy base
❷ the moon of which’s holy city was blown up during the Death Star super-laser testing in “Rogue One,” also the location of massive amounts of kyber crystals

Due to it’s obscure rotation around Rustibar, Niuq 5D7 has drastic seasonal changes. Throughout the “summer” seasons, which occur four times every Coruscanti year ❸, or every one out of three Coruscanti months, the moon resembles Iridonia. The climate is unbearably hot and dry and, in some areas, the ground cracks so much that magma from the moon’s core spills out. Zabraks ❹, who originally made up most of Niuq 5D7’s population, are evolutionarily capable of handling such conditions but it is inadvisable for most species to visit the moon throughout its summers.

Footnote 2:
❸ Coruscanti time is basically the same as Earth time. It has 60 minutes per hour, 24 hours a day, 265 days a year, etc.
❹ a humanoid species with horns growing on top of their head and face tattoos; Darth Maul is a prominent member of this species; they are extremophiles and can sustain themselves in intense heat, though they aren’t very good in the cold.


During another two 60-day segments throughout the year, the Niuq 5D7 moon is icy and cold, making this a highly unideal place for travel throughout this time. The average temperature during this time is -35°C which is below freezing but manageable as long as those who visit take the proper precautions such as wearing protective gear and making sure that their ship will not be damaged during takeoff.

Early in the establishment of the colony, much of the Zabrak population would have to move underground to a separate colony closer to the moon’s hot core during the winter months. This was also when the the non-Zabraks of the population, comprised mostly of Squibs ❺, were most active. Though the moon was originally inhabited mainly by Zabraks, Squibs, who had set their eyes on the moon’s resource of rare kyber crystals the second word had gotten out about them, had quickly come to the moon in an attempt to initiate a deal for the crystals.

Footnote 3:
❺ Squibs are a mammalian alien species. They essentially look like 3 foot tall foxes that stand on two feet, though their fur color is often some unnatural color like blue or purple. Squibs love to barter, explaining their presence on Niuq 5D7.

However, as a colony of Iridonia, a known affiliate of the Jedi and the Rebellion, the original Zabraks of Niuq 5D7 refused to give up their crystals as they feared them getting into the hands of the Empire or the Sith.

Iridonia still marks one of the only places in the galaxy where kyber crystals can be found but, due to it’s climate, most Jedi avoid going directly to the planet, especially when with younglings. This created a good market for kyber crystal exportation and allowed for the Zabraks— who owned Niuq 5D7’s crystal caves— and Squibs— who were talented at bartering— to work in unison to uphold their moon. The kyber crystals continue to provide an excellent economy for Niuq as light force-users are willing to pay good money in order to get the rare crystals and also allows for force-sensitive Zabraks ❻ on Iridonia to obtain kyber crystals readily.

Footnote 4:
❻ Zabraks are known to be particularly force sensitive. In Star Wars canon there are a few force-sensitive Zabraks, namely Darth Maul (The Phantom Menace), Savage Opress (The Clone Wars), and Eeth Koth (Jedi Counsel Member who appears in the chronological first trilogy).

Niuq 5D7 only has around 10,000 inhabitants, though the population size has been increased by nearly tenfold since the Niuq colony’s founding around 400 years ago. This sudden increase was mostly due to how deadly the climate initially was for infants of both Squib and Zabrak races. Zabraks born in the winter months would usually die upon conception as the cold would be too much for the newborns. The same was true of Squibs, though many Squib infants would live for around a month before their lungs, unable to effectively filter smoke, would stop working and the infants would die. Mass graves were built for these infant deaths and there are whole acres of land that people can walk through filled with gravestones mourning the children.

In order to combat this mass death of the population, Zabrak and Squib scientists came together to develop technology that would help infants live longer after being born. What they found was that, surprisingly, Squib and Zabrak DNA was fairly similar and, apart from a Zabrak’s two hearts (yes, Zabraks anatomically have two hearts) and the fur, height, and ears of a Squib, most bodily functions were the same between the two species. Scientists proposed that mating between the two species could lead to stronger, more adapted infants.

Though both species were hesitant at first, quite a few citizens were willing to be surrogates, creating the first generation of a new species composed of a mix between the previous two. This new species, which took on most of the humanoid characteristics of a Zabrak but had distinctly cat or fox-like features such as pointy noses, larger eyes, fangs, and longer, thicker hair, as well as a much broader range of hair colors and a drastically shorter height (on average, 1/2 a foot shorter than other Zabraks), and makes up most of what is considered to be the Zabrak population of Niuq 5D7 today. All Zabraks on Niuq 5D7 are now known as “Sub-Iridonian Zabraks” or “Niuqian Zabraks” to differentiate them from their genetically separate counterparts, Iridonian and Dathomirian Zabraks ❼.

Footnote 5:
❼ Dathomirian Zabraks are a species of Zabrak which live on Dathomir. Dathomirian Zabraks are only male and live amongst the Nightsisters, a group of powerful witches; Darth Maul and Savage Opress are two examples of this subspecies.

Due to the harshness of climate, there is barely any wildlife. Among this scarcity, there is one single plant that seems to thrive in both the hot and cold temperatures. This plant is called a Skma <pronounced sook-mah> and similar to in appearance to a grape, though it is much larger and does not come in bundles. Skma plants are able to store and retain water that comes from the winters for around 40 days and uses this storage to grow during the summers. They have edible vines and, when squeezed, are used to make juices and wines, supplying Niuq 5D7 population with sustenance. Of course, the whole population cannot live off of these plants and imported goods are the main source of food on the moon.

Niuq 5D7 is a rather peaceful moon. Though there is the occasional kerfuffle, there is not much crime or war. Because of its small size, the Empire mostly ignored the moon, not realizing the massive amounts of kyber crystals located there. This allowed for Niuqians to develop even as the planets around them fought. A lot of Niuq 5D7’s peace is also thought to come from the Niuqian government system, which is either headed by a Niuqian Zabrak or a Zabrak and Squib who must work together to head their small colony. The shared power has prevented race wars from starting and has brought forward the interests of all citizens.

Nearly all of these citizens live in or right outside Niuq 5D7’s capital, J’hendish <pronounced jyu hen deesh> and most work in mining kyber crystals and creating machinery. When Zabraks first came from Iridonia, they brought along with them high-tech equipment and were able to continue their focus on machinery when they moved to Niuq 5D7. Because of this, Niuq 5D7 also has a fairly large manufacturing industry, mostly specializing in spaceship parts.

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Re: Week 1: Who are you - Describe your Home Planet

Post by Prof. Sky Alton »

Elesti comes from Ansmere, sometimes known as the blue moon (though it is in fact a dwarf planet). Ansmere is a crystalline celestial body, with a core so small and cold that the inhabitants of the planet have been able to create chambers, rooms and galleries deep in the planet’s diamond like crust (meaning they have never felt the need to build on its surface). The whole planet emits a pale lavender glow, giving it the look of a beautiful but sad ghost when viewed from space. The planets climate is consistently cold as the nearest star is only just close enough to support any type of life at all. It is unknown whether these factors lead the Ansmerians to evolve to mimmick the transparent, lavender pallor of their planet; their personal history is of no interest to them, though they could repeat the histories of any number of other nations from their creation onwards.
Ansmere is a very calm, quiet but ultimately sombre place. The Ansmerians are peace bringers for other nations, their children raised from birth to peacefully resolve conflict (or even better, to avoid it altogether). They lack any real outward expressions of a culture of their own, as such things are likely to lead to disagreements in personal tastes; instead they go about their lives in quiet synchronicity. For this reason, they have no police force or military as what conflict does arise is swiftly and harmoniously dealt with (or set aside, unresolved) by the combatants themselves. Due to their usefulness as negotiators and arbiters of conflict, other nations give them a wide birth and are also eager to trade with them, in the hopes it will give them the edge should an Ansmerian oversee their next dispute with a neighbour. This is a faint hope as Ansmerians are aggressively (well, as aggressive as they ever get) anti-materialistic.
Ansmerians mostly live solitary lives in their own chamber, assigned to them when they reach maturity and leave the communal nursery. While some of them form lasting attachments with another, this is exceedingly rare as Ansmerians struggle with personal relationships. Visitors to the blue moon often report being unnerved by the silence of the place and how the Ansmerians drift along the corridors of their planet city, barely acknowledging one another least they cause offence.
"Growing up doesn't have to mean I lose the cape, the faith, the dream. I'm so done with that... I'm taking it back."
(Av/sig by S. Elf)
Amy Darvill
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Re: Week 1: Who are you - Describe your Home Planet

Post by Amy Darvill »

Like most native-born Twi'leks, Aleema was born on Ryloth, in the Ryloth system of the Outer Rim territories. The environment is varied across the planet's surface. There are volcanos, forests, jungles, and even deserts, but the largest feature is a wide and dark forest that spans the equator of the planet. But before you should think it a lovely place to vacation, beware. Certainly close to some resorts (nothing like at Coruscant or Corellia, but one tries), it can be a lovely place to visit. But for most Twi'lek, life is dominated by a struggling existence. Ferocious animals roam the forests and jungles. hidden by the lush foliage. And the deserts are dominated by temperature extremes that force most Twi'lek to live underground.

As such, most of the surface area is still wild, nominated by structures. Oh, there are port towns and some Twi'lek have enough to build large homes for themselves. But once you get away from the port towns, it's a jungle, if you pardon the expression. Add to it the constant attempts and successes to colonize the people to mine for the spice Ryll, and it soon becomes clear that the people are tenacious and strong. They have to be in order to survive.

And they have a pragmatic mindset that when foreigners are exposed, is shocking. Certainly, they love the arts, almost all sentient species has art. But it's also seen as a financial skill, especially for women. They are not blind to the fact that most of the known galactic systems consider their women most beautiful. So by training their young to hone artistic talents, they might be able to get them a better life off of the planet. That is if they don't just sell them outright. It's not that they are heartless, but they do sincerely hope that they can get a better life away from Ryloth.
Prof. Polaris Black
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Re: Week 1: Who are you - Describe your Home Planet

Post by Prof. Polaris Black »

Jan’tz is from a planet called Baraan-Fa. Baraan-Fa is a small and lovely terrestrial planet located in the galaxy. Mostly known for its trade and farming, Baraan-Fa is covered in forests and grassy terrain. It had an atmosphere breathable to oxygen-breathers, such as humans and was home to a population of humans, who were often of a smaller size than usual. Baraan-Fa was also inhabited by several creatures, including kollowaries, shonserras, spollows, tench doves, and titterlings. Her parents were merchants and where Jan’tz grew up on the outskirts of the market, these birds would start at sundown; Kollowarie would hoot, Shonsherra would coo, Spollows and Titterlings would chirrup, and Tench doves would whistle.

While you are here, you can visit the home of Sari Nadle, a resident who served as a cadet in the Resistance's J-Squadron. the temporary Rebel Alliance base Rendezvous Point C, and of course, the Bazaar. Yes, they have the Bazaar!
A "Cassie Sig" is priceless - thank you so much!
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