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February Prompt: The Letter 'F'

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 2:27 am
by Prof. Will Lestrange
As a new term begins, we're moving deeper into winter, even if we can clearly see the sun returning stronger and stronger each day... and we're now in the only month of the year that contains a letter 'F' in it.

Your task this month is to write at least 75 words that reflect the theme of "this is the only one". The constraint this month is deceptively simple: each sentence in your story must either begin or end with the letter F!

For example: "Fairies reproduce by laying eggs." fits because it begins with an "F"; "The light was off." also fits because it ends with an "F".

The deadline is February 28 at 11:59 PM HOL; completing this prompt will earn you 25 hoots. (Partial credit will be given in the form of 1 hoot for every 3 words up to 75.)

Re: February Prompt: The Letter 'F'

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:48 pm
by Emily Spencer
For me, the phrase "this is the only one" is quite profound. If you think about it, the life you have now is the only one you will ever have, no matter if it turns out to be one grand adventure or the picture of dullness itself. Frankly, I believe that life is what you make of it. Even the mundane can become exciting if you refuse to let discontent become a relentless thief. Furthermore, the plain fact is that you are as stuck with your life as it is stuck with you. Foolish you would indeed be if you wasted it away on "what ifs" and "could be's". Forget about all that and just enjoy what you have here and now; it's a one-person show and you're the star, baby! Fly free!

Re: February Prompt: The Letter 'F'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 5:12 am
by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
'Frankly, my dear' are not the words that a person might want to hear, especially if they are spoken by a person of whom one had great hopes and/or expectations. You might even hear them with a sense of shock or disbelief. Nevertheless, those words do get spoken, with that intention (of the quote) behind them, and one gets the brushoff. Fortunately, though, life comes through and often, with the string cut from one person, another comes into your life and you are free to embrace a relationship which wouldn't have been possible if that albatross around your neck was still there. Be grateful for the brushoff and the lesson you learned; yes, you experienced pain and grief. Finally, though, you are able to welcome a truly 'the only one' relationship, and be glad with what is 'right and true'.

Re: February Prompt: The Letter 'F'

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 3:21 am
by Prof. Will Lestrange
Everyone has earned full HOOTs for their stories!