
Moderator: Art Department Heads

Prof. Rorey Padfoot
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Post by Prof. Rorey Padfoot »

Do you have a general question regarding a project, post it here!!

If you have a concern about a project or a comment left on a project, please send a message to both Vanessa Tilley and Prof. Rorey Padfoot and we will look into it.
~Prof. Rorey Padfoot~*~Ravenclaw~
Pezzie Wolfe
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Re: Questions!

Post by Pezzie Wolfe »

Does the Art Department need ideas for Art fun?
Sig Tag by Pezzie. I Love NKOTB :wub:
HOL Member since August 2003 | Here's to 20 Years at HOL!
Vanessa Tilley
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Re: Questions!

Post by Vanessa Tilley »

Hi Pezzie. We are working on getting that set up so keep an eye out :)

Siggy and avatar made by the wonderful Professor Scarlet for Slythmas! :wub:
Emerald Wolvenhowl
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Re: Questions!

Post by Emerald Wolvenhowl »

If we submit a project in which we use a drawing app such as Canva (which supplies images for us to use), would that be acceptable or would it be considered as not being our own work?
Prof. Rorey Padfoot
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Re: Questions!

Post by Prof. Rorey Padfoot »

Hi Emerald,
Thanks for your question. You would need to manipulate the provided image in some way. You would not just be able to use their image and call it your own work. Just like if people grabbed an image off the internet, they need to be manipulated (whether blended into the back ground, filter change, color change, two imagines blended into one, etc.) to create your own image. Hope that helps! :)
~Prof. Rorey Padfoot~*~Ravenclaw~
Septima Lestrange
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Re: Questions!

Post by Septima Lestrange »

hi hi, one form of art I participate in is modeling, especially cosplay modeling. My favorite photoshoot I’ve ever done was of my OC, Septima Lestrange. Are photographs as such able to be used for submissions? Or does it have to be drawn/painted/etc type of art for every project?
Iverian Gnash
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Re: Questions!

Post by Iverian Gnash »

Yes Septima! Sometimes we will say specifically what form of art should be submitted - like in the case of a collage - but usually, as long as it fits the prompt provided, most art forms are accepted as long as they are HOL appropriate (so no inappropriate models, child friendly), your own work, and display a level of effort!
Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. - Dalai Lama
Kelly Hickory
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Re: Questions!

Post by Kelly Hickory »

I actually have 2 questions:

1. Can we post random HOL art we make or do they have to fit a specific theme?
2. I like to make things like video edits ( including harry potter related ones) and song covers ( currently working on a cover of the mermaid song from the goblet of fire; figured out the harmonies) I personally consider video edits and music covers a form of art, so I am wondering if we are allowed to post things like those here? ( my mermaid song cover would just have vocals i wouldn't be in the video) also if we can't post those here is there a place we can post those kind of things on the hol forum?
Prof. Rorey Padfoot
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Re: Questions!

Post by Prof. Rorey Padfoot »

Hey Kelly,
I fee you got your first question answered, but as the content in your second question sounds fun, we really don't have a place for that at HOL and as a reminder (without know where you save your video links too) per the HOL Handbook,

"We would also appreciate it if you could avoid linking to websites that have comment sections or lots of ads: while these might look clean and g-rated when you're on the page, they can change in an instant."

Though, I am happy you found a way to be creative with your love of all things Harry Potter! :)
~Prof. Rorey Padfoot~*~Ravenclaw~
Willow Pinski
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Re: Questions!

Post by Willow Pinski »

Hi! I wanted to ask, how can I join the art department? Thanks! Bye.
Silvana Mandeville
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Re: Questions!

Post by Silvana Mandeville »

Willow Pinski wrote: Wed Sep 07, 2022 6:04 am Hi! I wanted to ask, how can I join the art department? Thanks! Bye.
Hi there, Willow! You can join anytime by submitting your works to our Art Department. You can visit the Department through this link: Art Department. There are two projects for this month, and you can earn points by doing those projects! Hope that helps and we will wait for you works!
Esor Black
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Re: Questions!

Post by Esor Black »

So I'm a bit frustrated. I'm trying to submit my Panda drawing but it won't let me because it's being picky about the dimensions. It wants it specifically at 500 pixels wide, and that's fine, but then when I set the image to that, it automatically puts the height to 375, and it needs to be between 400 - 600 pixels high. I've tried cropping, and messing with the pixel settings. I can't figure out how to get it exactly the pixels you want it. It was originally huge, over 1000 pixels both ways. A lot of it is back ground that can be cut off, but the settings won't let me. Any advice?
Anne-Marie Gagne

Re: Questions!

Post by Anne-Marie Gagne »

Esor Black wrote: Fri Mar 31, 2023 3:33 am So I'm a bit frustrated. I'm trying to submit my Panda drawing but it won't let me because it's being picky about the dimensions. It wants it specifically at 500 pixels wide, and that's fine, but then when I set the image to that, it automatically puts the height to 375, and it needs to be between 400 - 600 pixels high. I've tried cropping, and messing with the pixel settings. I can't figure out how to get it exactly the pixels you want it. It was originally huge, over 1000 pixels both ways. A lot of it is back ground that can be cut off, but the settings won't let me. Any advice?
Instead of setting the width, try and set the height instead to 400 and see what the width is then
Esor Black
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Re: Questions!

Post by Esor Black »

Yeah, I've tried that and the Width comes out as 548.
Janne Halla
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Re: Questions!

Post by Janne Halla »

What are the criteria for a justified criticism or a justified comment?

I've participated monthly in the Art Department and always got average to above-average grades for my work. Especially in the last few months, some comments are always 1 or 2 (out of 10!) with comments that are either positive ('love the work'), comments where people don't understand that art doesn't mean just drawing (type of 'can you do that?') or just one word ('ehhhhhh', to use an example from my work on Valentines' Card project). The latter example significantly lowered my score (from 8 to 6.5).

How is that allowed? I wouldn't say anything if the comment had a low score and explained why they didn't like it. I always take those into consideration and try to improve my work. But, the way things're going, it's seriously making me reconsider putting forth any more submissions for the projects.
Prof. Kyrie Adderholt
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Re: Questions!

Post by Prof. Kyrie Adderholt »

The Head Office is aware of the situation and several comments were deleted this weekend and warnings sent to the commenters.

If you have any specific comments you are still concerned about, please message me directly so we can review further.
thank you dear Sin
Janne Halla
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Re: Questions!

Post by Janne Halla »

Prof. Kyrie Adderholt wrote: Tue Apr 04, 2023 6:36 pm The Head Office is aware of the situation and several comments were deleted this weekend and warnings sent to the commenters.

If you have any specific comments you are still concerned about, please message me directly so we can review further.
Thank you, Prof. Adderholt for looking into this. I'll send a private message ASAP! :)
Prof. Kyrie Adderholt
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Re: Questions!

Post by Prof. Kyrie Adderholt »

The Head Office has removed inappropriate comments and ratings from the current projects. If anyone sees more, please message me.

We apologize to those who received such ugliness on their work.
thank you dear Sin
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