Your Raised Hand

Class led by Prof. Sollarna Fumbleknot

Moderator: Fumbly

Oakshaft 79
Posts: 167
Joined: Sun Oct 06, 2002 11:43 pm
Location: Hufflepuff

Your Raised Hand

Post by Fumbly »

If you have general class-related questions, please ask them here. Visitors to the class are also welcome to ask questions.

While you might be tempted to contact me privately instead (and that's fine!), keep in mind that you can earn extra credit for your class forum participation. Also, classmates will likely benefit from seeing your question and my answer to it.

Thank you,
Former (for those who don't know or remember me):
Hufflepuff HoH & HO High Cheese Muffin. Professor of Wandmaking, Runes & Charms.
Herder of nerds & chickens. Web designer, author, historian & artist.
HOL Professor of Write Your World.

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