Class Introductions || 2024 Spring Semester

Class led by Elena Galatas

Moderator: Elena Galatas

Elena Galatas
Posts: 233
Joined: Sun Aug 16, 2009 11:52 am
Location: Tennessee

Class Introductions || 2024 Spring Semester

Post by Elena Galatas »

Welcome travelers to Societies in Ruin!

My name is Elena Galatas. I'm a perpetual seventh year Ravenclaw. I've been one for...a while now. I joined back in 2009, and I've been around ever since. I'll get around to graduating eventually, I suppose. I figure they'll force me to graduate eventually. As I said previously, I'm a proud member of Ravenclaw house, but I'm also a proud member of our house's Quidditch team! You can usually find me playing Chaser, but I'll occasionally be in the roles of Keeper or Seeker if we're lacking players. I really love dystopian literature, and I've been teaching this class since Fall of 2018.

Outside of HOL, I'm a 35 year old fandom nerd who lives in northern Tennessee, but I grew up in south Florida; and I know I'm old - please don't remind me rofl! I love pretty much all things fandom, but my biggest fandoms are Harry Potter (of course), Supernatural (or anything Jensen Ackles), Marvel, DC Comics, The Witcher, Doctor Who, and Once Upon A Time. There are quite a few more, but it's late and those are the ones that come to mind first lol. Honestly, almost anything you can think of that's nerdy (not all, but most) I will likely be a fan of. I'm also a complete bibliophile, but right now my TBR list is over 1,000 books, and I'm currently reading about six different novels that are pretty much all different so please don't ask me what I read the most of; I will have an aneurysm trying to pick a genre. That being said, two of my favorite genres are romance and dystopian literature (obviously :lol:). I think my favorite dystopian novels are The Hunger Games and Divergent. I love how much detail the authors put into their worlds; really there could be 50 books in each genre, and I'd read them all. I also really love The Handmaid's Tale and The Maze Runner, but not quite at the same level.

I also have two more classes that are in the works currently: one surrounding the tv show Once Upon a Time, and one surrounding the book series The Hunger Games. It may be a bit before I can actually get everything set up since while I adore writing, I'm also definitely a procrastinator. I'm also contemplating creating a class solely on Divergent, but I'm not quite sure on that yet.

When it comes to a work-life balance, I pretty much just work and don't have much of a life. Like most millennials :lol:. I work full-time as a resolution specialist in the Group Medicare department for Aetna Health Insurance; I don't generally sleep a whole lot during the days that I work, so I tend to catch up on sleep on my days off unless there's a Quidditch game. If I disappear for a day or two, I'm probably sleeping rofl.

All that rambling aside, I think that's enough about me! You can always ask questions if you'd like to know more, but let's hear about y'all. ^.^
Elena Galatas // Seventh Year // Ravenclaw // Dr. Who Enthusiast // Oncer/Captain Swan Fanatic
Comic Book Geek // Perpetually in love/obsession with Chris Evans and Colin O'Donoghue
Chasen Carter
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Posts: 5
Joined: Mon Apr 24, 2023 8:29 pm

Re: Class Introductions || 2024 Spring Semester

Post by Chasen Carter »

Hello. My name is Chasen Carter. You may call me Chase or Chasen. I'm a second year, sorted into Gryffindor House. I have social anxiety disorder, so you may not see me around, but I'm typically always around. I decided to take this class because I like learning about different universes and worlds. There's just something about the Dystopian world that intrigues me to learn more. I have seen clips from shows like The Hunger Games and it looks interesting and is one of the things that led me to taking this class.
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