HOL Goals 2023/2024

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Skylar Peyton
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Skylar Peyton »

My goals for this school year are:

1. Earn at least 2500 house points
2. Earn 9 quills
3. Make at least 3 submissions to the Howler Newspaper
4. Make at least 3 submissions to the Art Department
5. Participate in at least 5 HOL activities
Last edited by Skylar Peyton on Mon Jan 01, 2024 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Prof. Will Lestrange
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Prof. Will Lestrange »

1. Earn at least 290 points per class I end up taking
2. Teach at least three classes each term
3. Get at least one more person through Promising Student training
4. Win at least five ‘new’ awards (which I haven’t won before)
5. Improve on the number of Slytherin students who have crossed at least one of the following points thresholds from last year: 4000, 3500, 3000, 2500, 2000, 1500, or 1000
Amy Smith
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Amy Smith »

1) Earn Atleast 2500 points
2) get 300 points in atleast 3 classes
3) Host a site wide event
4) submit to the howler atleast twice
5) Earn 5 quills
6) Participate in a HOL wide activity atleast once
Scarlet Robloutain
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Scarlet Robloutain »

My goals for this year:

- submit to the howler at least once
- get at least 100 beans
- get at least 5 quills
- earn a minimum of 1,500 points
- submit to the Library and Art department at least twice
- join activities to earn points, beans, rubies, etc. from other houses
Last edited by Scarlet Robloutain on Sat Sep 30, 2023 10:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
pedes in terra ad sidera visus
Emerald Wolvenhowl
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Emerald Wolvenhowl »

My goals are:

* To somehow gain a bit of spare time so I can teach a class again.

* To hopefully,and finally, learn how to resize images so I can submit images to the Art Department.

* To get through as many activities as I can for Octoberfest.

* To work extra hard at my Owls- after all you only do Owls once ( maybe that should be YODOO for short?)

* To get full marks in Muggle Studies for Beginners because I spend a lot of time being a Muggle, so if I don't do well in this subject then there is no hope for me. :lol:
River Fenwick
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by River Fenwick »

My goals for this year are:

1. Obtain at least 1250 house points
2. Pass and earn at least 5 quills from classes
3. Earn 300 points in at least 2 classes
4. Submit to the Library Department at least twice
5. Contribute to the Howler at least once
Hiya Debnath
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Hiya Debnath »

My goals for the year (2023-2024) are: -
1. To earn at least 2500 house points.
2. To pass at least 8 classes and get at least 8 quills.
3. To recieve at least 8 awards, out of which at least 4 awards are won from classes, and at least 4 awards are won from other HOL-wide forum activities.
4. To submit at least 3 Library Department Projects and at least 2 Art Department Projects.
5. To earn 300 points in at least 2 classes.
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Artemisia Thorne
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Artemisia Thorne »

My goals are:
1. Earn at least 2,500 house points
2. Earn at least 8 quills
3. Earn 300 points in at least 4 classes
4. Submit to the Library Department at least 4 times
5. Submit to the Howler at least once
Emily Spencer
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Emily Spencer »

Such lofty and admirable goals were made this year, with many being met. Congratulations to the recipients of this year's Gold Spirit Award and kudos for all your hard work!


Those receiving the award are:

Anne-Marie Gagne
Janne Halla
Adeline Morior
Louis Walles
Harry Walles
Lex Green
Dibyarup James Potter
Katherine Laurier
Caius Magnusson
Prof Will Lestrange
Amy Smith
Scarlet Robloutain
River Fenwick
Hiya Debnath

Now it's time to start thinking ahead to next year! See you in September!
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