Solve this Hashi puzzle and earn 20 Hoots -
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Send me your solution in a Forum PM titled "March - Hashi" by March 31st (11:59PM HOL time) to earn your Hoots!
Good luck.
Are you new to Hashi?
First off, Google "Hashi" for some instructions on what it is and how to play it.
Here is a result of a quick search:
Look at the puzzle.Rules of Hashiwokakero
* Connect islands (the circles with numbers) with as many bridges as the number in the island.
* There can be no more than two bridges between two islands.
* Bridges cannot go across islands or other bridges.
* The bridges will form a continuous link between all the islands.
All '8' numbers have four 2-bridge sets going from them.
All '7' numbers have four bridge sets going from them, 3 with 2 bridges, 1 with 1 bridge.
All '5' or '6' which have their back to a wall (or a blank area) have to have 3 bridge sets going from them. The bridge sets for the '6' will be of 2 bridges each.
If there is a 3 in a corner, it must have a 2 bridge sets going out from it
A '1' never goes to another '1'.
Do the obvious bridge sets and then look at it to see what changes are made for the remaining numbers. Do you now have a '5' or a '6' with their back to a wall?
All bridges (lines) must be horizontal or vertical.
If you get stuck, send me a Forum PM titled "Hashi Stuck". I've got Magical WD-40 which can be used for loosening up stuck spots.