Uranus - Pop Culture


Moderators: Prof. Maxim Trevelyan, Arianna Stonewater

Prof. Maxim Trevelyan
Nimbus 1000
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Uranus - Pop Culture

Post by Prof. Maxim Trevelyan »

Uranus is the ruling planet of the astrological sign of Aquarius. Because Uranus is cyan blue (due to the surrounding methane gas), the color has also become closely linked with the symbol of Aquarius in astrological circles and in popular culture.

Since the color blue is the symbol of the planet and things associated with it, find everyday blue items and arrange them in an interesting or pleasing way, then take a photo of the collection. Be mindful of HOL rules and that anything on the photo does not reveal your real life identity or specific location.

Post your photos below (keep it 600x600 or less) by December 31st 11:59 pm HOL time to get 30 Hoots and 50 beans.
...also a platonic soulmate and a hot mess of a human being.
Mia Fountain
Cleansweep One
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Re: Uranus - Pop Culture

Post by Mia Fountain »


This image shows a collection of blue items that include: a file folder, tote bag, canvas picture of a wolf, folded sweater, notebook, sticky notes, pen, and a bowl.
Louis Walles
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Re: Uranus - Pop Culture

Post by Louis Walles »

"He who fights too long against the dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you" ~ Nietzsche
Emily Spencer
Shooting Star
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Re: Uranus - Pop Culture

Post by Emily Spencer »

The image shows a blue stand mixer, a coffee mug with R2-D2 (yay Star Wars!), a box of salt, and a bottle brush.
“The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who’s going to stop me.”
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Prof. Maxim Trevelyan
Nimbus 1000
Posts: 2214
Joined: Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:35 pm

Re: Uranus - Pop Culture

Post by Prof. Maxim Trevelyan »

30 Hoots and 50 beans go to the people below for their amazing arranging and photography skills.

Emily Spencer
Louis Walles
Mia Fountain
...also a platonic soulmate and a hot mess of a human being.
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