April Newsletter


Moderator: Arianna Stonewater

Arianna Stonewater
Comet 140
Posts: 944
Joined: Fri Sep 25, 2015 4:56 pm

April Newsletter

Post by Arianna Stonewater »

Hello all, and happy April! Obviously I'm much later than intended, and we're almost half-way through, but there's still lots to report so let's get on with it!

Each month we will post the current House Point standings. Currently, Ravenclaw is in the lead with 52,371! You can check out the current standings here on the HOL Main Page, but cheer up to the the non-birds, you still have time to catch up! Turn in your assignments, join activities, and work on the library/art department projects to earn more for your house!

For those who don't know, HOLLERS is a fun club open to all the houses with something for everyone!! We have a points system called "HOOTS" which you can earn by completing activities! At the end of the month you can earn the aptly named "HOOT Award" by having the most HOOTS! Those who are particularly active in the HOLLERS Forums are eligible to win the "HOLLERS Award" which is given out with staff discretion; sometimes we give one out every month, sometimes a month or two is skipped!

Hollers News
With each new month, we will post 3 new puzzles in our Monthly Challenges and different prompts in the Creative Outlet sections of the HOLLERS Forum! We've also got a new section in it's second year for you writers who want a challenge: Writing Under Constraint!

House News
As a reminder, every common room must be signed up for separately from the main HOL Forums. Each house has their own points system, but you can earn House Points by submitting to their newspapers! You can join every common room, though you will only have full access to your own house's forums. There are still many fun things you can do when visiting others though:

Gryffindor is Springing into the season with a new event! Designed to get you up and out, their Spring Into Action is open to all. You just might earn some ravishing rubies (Gryffindor Points System)! Their newest issue of the Paw Print just came out so definitely peruse at your leisure. Finally, if you like roleplay, their newest prompt takes us out into the greenhouses!

Hufflepuff is doing a Love theme for their Wonders of the World event that is open to all, everything is due April 30th so you still have time! For some relaxation, stop by their Mandala Magic forum to get some really pretty Mandalas to color! As always, the Department of Huffle Games and Sports has some new fun challenges and the chance to win some shiny diamonds (the Hufflepuff House points system)!

Ravenclaw published an issue of their house newspaper, The Alte Sententiam, last month so check it out here! They are also hosting a fun Picnic in the Park and every house is available to participate! Everything is due by April 30th so head over now!

Slytherin just finished their Spring Staycation event, but you can stop by for the read-a-long tasks and trivia; they've just started Chapter Thirty-three: "The Prince’s Tale" and it's a great way to earn scales (Slytherin's house points system.) Everyone is welcome to wander the dungeons, so why not stop by the Puzzle Exchange or our Arcade Club? Don't forget to turn in your submissions for the next Serpentimes, due June 15! See the latest issue that came out in March (here)

News From Around HOL

Don't forget to check up on your goals for the 2020-2021 school year! If you meet your goals by the end of the year you'll get a shiny award!!

Class Sign-ups for the spring are still open, but make sure you have enough time to turn everything in! You can enlist in up to 5 classes per term (not including OWLs.) Make sure you look at the syllabus and assignments to ensure you can meet all of the requirements to pass the class before you sign up!

Quidditch is still on a hiatus as the Quidditch Committee figures out what updates/changes are needed. In the meantime, visit other common rooms or check out some of our other clubs and keep your eyes peeled for future quidditch-like events!

Book Club
The Book Club has started up new rounds Book Bingo and Flash Fiction that are sure to pique your interests! As always, you can still read (and write!) book reviews and join discussions in the various other sections of the Book Club such as Beginnings & Endings; lots of chances to earn beans and add shiny awards to your trophy shelves!!

The Library Department
The Library Department has two new projects (Written in the Stars and Get the Memo; both due Apr. 30) available for you to earn house points: writing a story from an imposter's point of view, and writing sections for your neighborhood newsletter! There are also two finished projects with voting open until Apr. 14.

The Art Department
The Art Department also has two new projects (Egg Decorating and Kite Flying; both due May 1) to showcase your artwork and earn some points! Don't forget, voting for the most recent projects ends Apr. 14, so you only have a few days left!!

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