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May Newsletter

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 12:13 am
by Arianna Stonewater
Hello everyone! I hope you all are staying safe and healthy amidst this crazy time!

Each month we will post the current House Point standings. We're a littler over halfway through the term now, but it's still anyone's cup! You can check out the current standings here on the HOL Main Page. As of 10:55pm HOL Time on May 1 they are:

For those who don't know, HOLLERS is a fun club open to all the houses with something for everyone!! We have a points system called "HOOTS" which you can earn by completing activities! At the end of the term you can earn the aptly named "HOOT Award" by having the most HOOTS! Those who are particularly active in the HOLLERS Forums are eligible to win the "HOLLERS Award" which is given out with staff discretion; sometimes we give one out every month, sometimes a month or two is skipped!

Hollers News
With each new month, we will post 3 new puzzles in our Monthly Challenges and different prompts in the Creative Outlet sections of the HOLLERS Forum (like May's "Keep Out" prompt of figuring out how to keep customers from buying or absconding with a precious book!). Don't forget about our new Writing Under Constraint section, where May's prompt is "Short and Sweet!"

House News
As a reminder, every common room must be signed up for separately from the main HOL Forums. Each house has their own points system, but you can earn House Points by submitting to their newspapers! You can join every common room, though you will only have full access to your own house's forums. There are still many fun things you can do when visiting others though:

Ravenclaw is accepting items for the next issue of their house newspaper The Alte Sententiam; the theme is Sun and Stars! Submissions are due May 31st, and they're open to everyone! (See previous issues here!) Everyone is also invited to join their Debate Club!

Gryffindor is continuing their monthly "Gone Questing" activity; this time they're exploring Wonderland!! You can earn some gorgeous rubies (Gryffindor Points System!) The Paw Print is coming out with a new issue, so be sure to check it out, as well as submit articles for their next issue!

Hufflepuff's Department of Hufflepuff Games and Sports is up and running with some hard challenges and the chance to win some shiny diamonds (the Hufflepuff House points system)! If you're looking for even more Puff goodness, you can come to their newest activity, "May - Together in Celebration" run by their very own Mini-Prefect Eve Roarke! Join her as we celebrate the many celebrations of May, including some you may not know about!

Slytherin fun is happening in the Puzzle Exchange and our Arcade Club? Don't forget to turn in your submissions for the next Serpentimes, due June 15; the theme is "Imagination." (See previous issues here) Finally, be on the lookout, our Emerald Cup, which will be starting up at the end of the month/beginning of June!

News From Around HOL

Hope you're all keeping up with your homework (I know i'm behind :unsure: ) Class are still open for you new students, you can take up to 5 in one term. Most current classes have deadlines of Jun. 15 but some have monthly deadlines so pay attention! Don't forget to check the syllabus to make sure you get at least the minimum requirements in if you want to pass your classes and earn quills!

A new activity, Jedi Apprentice Training has just started today! From organizer Gail Allen:
"All participants pretend to be a jedi youngling, working towards becoming a jedi apprentice and one day a full jedi knight. The Starwars universe has given a fair bit of information on how this is accomplished and which skills are important for the younglings to learn.
In this activity each week will present tasks that in some way relates to these skills.
There will be four tasks per week: one puzzle task, one graphic task and two written tasks.
All are welcome to join and earn up to 80 House Points!!

According to Quidditch Board Member Will Lestrange:
This past month we had two exciting pickups (both of which had at least 10 participants) and two more regulation games; the same is planned for May! The regular season is scheduled to end with two matches over the next two weeks; meanwhile, two more pickups are planned to round out the month!
Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin is scheduled for May 9 and Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff is scheduled for May 16. All Quaffle games are held on IRC at 9pm HOL Time in #Quidditch though if you want to cheer and shout things you'll need to be in #grandstand

Book Club
The Book Club is focusing on Mysteries for their Book Teasers, where you'll have the opportunity to discuss your favourite detective/author/story. You'll also get to speculate upon the different kinds of mysteries there are -- the 'Cosy Crime' locked door mystery (like The Murders in the Rue Morgue) or the Amateur Sleuth. Their other discussions including Quick Quotes are still going on too!

The Library Department
The Library Department has two new projects available for you to earn house points ("Small Talk" and "It's A Secret", as well as two projects that you can vote on until May. 14 ("Just a Dream" and "Enchanting Explanations"!)

The Art Department
The Art Department also just posted two new projects, and voting for their "Game Night" and "Wands Out" submissions is open until May 14!