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Between the Pages Overview

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:46 pm
by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
Between the Pages is the place to go to for more general discussions/debates that are perhaps inspired by a particular book, but could extend beyond it and are applicable to a wider range of books, or even a particular genre.

For example, “What do you think of a series of books that introduce a wide range of characters’ perspectives and/or time frames?” Wheel of Time books (Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson) is one example of a series like this or the Emelan books (Tamora Pierce). There are several other series where this could be applicable.

Or you could flip it around and ask "What do you think of a series of books based on stories which are mainly told from one person's perspective?" Such series could include the Harry Potter books (J.K. Rowling) and the Dresden Files (Jim Butcher).

Another discussion could be of plot devices and/or story arcs, such as the Hero’s Journey, outlined by Joseph Campbell. Or, what about a topic about the effectiveness of multi-part series/worlds eg. Heralds of Valdemar (Mercedes Lackey) and Realm of the Elderlings (Robin Hobb)?

Or perhaps you are more visually oriented and find it fun (and/or funny) to merge story lines which have been inspired by particular books. How many times have the Harry Potter books been compared to, or added into, a story line of another series -- and then made into graphics?

Remember, if you post graphics, please keep any graphics to 600x600 or less. Remember to give credit where credit is due. Thank you!

If this is a discussion post, have a minimum of 80 words (unless it states an alternative minimum word count for a particular activity)! Also, if you are discussing spoilers, please remember to make use of the spoiler tags i.e.

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This is a spoiler.

We have monthly prompts in Between the Pages - where you can earn Beans. If you complete 7 of these prompts in a particular school year, you'll be in line for the Between the Pages Award.

When you post, please keep your post HOL-appropriate.

So many books and series to compare and discuss!

Re: Between the Pages Overview

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2023 11:22 pm
by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
Remember you have an opportunity earn some more beans and get an Award for your collection from Book Club! Act now, before the end of the month of June and see what you can do!

There are monthly prompts in Between the Pages you can look at and play with -- as well as prompts in Quill and Ink and in Ink Splatters (see post above for links), if you are wanting things to do, gather more Beans and/or to get that Award!).
