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Inspired by Books

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 2:56 am
by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
I'm growing roses, old roses, and was amused when I (re)read This Rough Magic by Mary Stewart because I was actually growing some of the roses she mentions in there.
And everywhere, roses. Great bushes of them rampaged up the trees; a blue spruce was half smothered with sprays of vivid Persian pink, and one dense bush of frilled white roses must have been have been ten feet high. There were moss roses, musk roses, damask roses, roses pied and streaked, and one old pink rose straight from a mediaeval manuscript, hemispherical, as if a knife had sliced it across, its hundred petals as tightly whorled and packed as the layers of an onion. There must have been twenty or thirty varieties there, all in full bloom, old roses, planted years ago and left to run wild, as if in some secret garden whose key is lost. The place seemed hardly real. [ ]

... the old names which evoked, like poetry, the old gardens of France, of Persia, of Provence ... Belle de Crecy, Belle Isis, Deuil du Roi de Rome, Rosamunde, Camalieux, Ispahan ... [ ]

... The scent was heavy as a drug.
(quote from This Rough Magic). And the light bulb went on.

I have moss roses, damask roses, a rose pied, an old pink rose with its hundred petals as tightly whorled and packed as the layers of an onion. I have Belle de Crecy and Ispahan. I have Leda (aka Painted Damask). Their fragrances utterly fill the air with a richness of intermingling perfumes which is incredibly lovely,

I had read this book ages ago. Before I started collecting old roses. And I remembered this entire passage of the book -- when I re-read it, it was a old and familiar friend. And I wondered, and realized, that part of my passion for roses, and growing OLD roses (that is a classification of rose which generally means it was grown, or discovered, before 1900) came after reading that book .... and I laughed. Yep. Thank you, Mary Stewart. :)

Has anyone else been inspired by books to add dimensions and/or adventures to your life?

Re: Inspired by Books

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 3:57 pm
by Emily Spencer
This may be silly, but The Little House Series by Laura Ingalls Wilder actually started me on a lifelong love of cooking. Food (or lack thereof) was an integral part of her stories, of which I was an avid fan. When my mom brought me The Little House Cookbook, I just had to try the recipes, some of which I still use today. Apples and onions is one of my husband's favourites; I guess he and Almanzo Wilder have similar taste.

Not earth shattering, I realize, but it's something :)

Re: Inspired by Books

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 8:54 pm
by Prof. Maxim Trevelyan
Scars. A sign that you had been hurt. A sign that you had healed.
Another secret of the universe: Sometimes pain was like a storm that came out of nowhere. The clearest summer could end in a downpour. Could end in lightning and thunder.
I am of the belief that everybody has scars; physical or emotional. I have both, recent and those more than a decade old. I have always been ashamed of them, secretly and not-so-secretly, thinking they are an ugly part of me that I have to hide.

I was recommended the book titled Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by the wonderful Benjamin Alire Sáenz, which is also where the upper quotes come from. This book has so many quotes that could be applied to many subjects, but these two resonated deepest within me.

They helped me learn that I do not have to be ashamed of my scars, my feelings and of my pain. That my experiences do not make me a victim, but rather a survivor, that the scars are a sign of a fighter. It made me proud of them, in a way. This is still an on-going process, a slowly moving one, but one that advances step by step and it is in large thanks to this book.

Re: Inspired by Books

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2021 5:05 pm
by Prof. Maxim Trevelyan
I love to bake, which is not something of a surprise to those who know me on HOL. However, I am not overly adventurous with my baking, I tend to do it all strictly “by the book” so to speak and rarely deviate from the recipe.

I am an ardent follower of Ann Reardon’s channel, How to Cook That and she wrote a cookbook called Crazy Sweet Creations, where one can find recipes for all sorts of pastries and desserts. She often changes things up in the recipes or tells people what happens if you do this or that so when I got myself the book, I knew that I had to try some of them out.

All of them were a success and it is mostly thanks to Reardon’s notes, explanations and (delicious) photos. There is a scientific introduction to every chapter and she leaves little explanations of what happens if you will switch one ingredient for another and how to adjust your recipe for that occurrence.

I was inspired to mix things up, putting nuts where fruits would go, exchange one type of flour for another, add some nice decorations and I have to say, despite how complicated some of the recipes look, you will always get a tasty treat out of it.

‘Tis the Season reason: It is a cookbook, it does food.

edit: counted for 'Tis the Season - Tarma