Book review - The Opposite of Always

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Viviana Kingston
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Book review - The Opposite of Always

Post by Viviana Kingston »

Title: The Opposite of Always
Author: Justin A Reynolds
Genre: romance, time travel fiction
Rating: 5/5
Category: traditional publishing, standalone
Age rating: 13+
Warnings: death, discrimination
Jack is infatuated with his best friend, but his best friend is dating his other best friend and that doesn’t matter to him as much as he thought he did when Kate comes along. They hit it off, they fall in love, but then Kate dies and Jack wakes up having to relive the moments they spent together from the moment he met her. He soon learns that in time travel, there are rules and his actions has consequences that affect someone else he loves dearly. With the fate of Kate and his loved ones in his hands, can he save them all?

Comments + opinion:
It’s definitely like Groundhogs Day (or something like that. I keep forgetting the title of the movie) where the days are repeated over and over and over again until Jack can figure what he has to do to save everyone without hurting his loved ones. The best parts are when he learns that life is short, forgiveness is everything and the lengths he has to go to to prove his loyalty and love to the ones he cares about. Which is practically the whole book, though there are many times he makes mistakes and many times he has to learn from them, it sends you through a rollercoaster of emotions that make you want to huge your loved ones tightly and never let go.
- Viviana Kingston
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