Book Bout - Which Fictional World Would You Like to Relax in?

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Prof. Sky Alton
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Book Bout - Which Fictional World Would You Like to Relax in?

Post by Prof. Sky Alton »

We’ve talked about which fictional world you’d most like to explore but constant adventuring can get more than a little tiring. Sometimes you just want to put your feet up and take it easy for a while.

Which fictional place would you most like to unwind in at the end of a long journey? Is there anything in particular you’d want to do there?

Let us know in 80 words or more and earn 5 team points
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Carrie Warts
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Re: Book Bout - Which Fictional World Would You Like to Relax in?

Post by Carrie Warts »

I would love to chill anywhere in Jane Austen's books. They are British based and I have a special and dear love towards the UK, which is already my fav place to relax, visit, and travel to - plus there are so many more places to visit!.
Also another place would be in Hogwarts. I would love to be facing the lake, and then facing the castle all day long just admiring the beauty of it all, and then go up to the Astronomy Tower and look down at the scenery.
And one final place I would love to relax in would be in The Shire, where people are so nice and welcoming and with that green and gorgeous landscape I would just love to take a blanket, some tea and a book and just read and spend many hours under the sky.
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Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis
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Re: Book Bout - Which Fictional World Would You Like to Relax in?

Post by Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis »

For pure relaxation purposes, I'd go to Reverie from Under the Never Sky trilogy by Veronica Rossi. It is a universe that is far in the future. Everyone in Reverie wears a device called a Smarteye. This piece of technology allows the wearers to enter virtual worlds and do just about anything they want. It'll be nice to create a world where I can play volleyball without worrying about getting sun burned or the perfect reading spot in a park without any pesky insects.
Louis Walles
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Re: Book Bout - Which Fictional World Would You Like to Relax in?

Post by Louis Walles »

I would love to visit the world in All Our Wrong Todays. A book written by a Canadian author called Elan Mastai. In that world, there is literally everything! Flying cars, teleporters, machines that choose your clothes and food in one pill! And most importantly, there's time travel! Who wouldn't want to try that? If I could go there, I would like to try every single thing there is but maybe not the time machine. I would be too scared that I would accidentally destroy the universe. And that wouldn't be fun. I would definitely like to test flying cars. Maybe in that universe, they have 10D movies or even better ones? Would love to go to the cinema there.
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Charlie Spencer
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Re: Book Bout - Which Fictional World Would You Like to Relax in?

Post by Charlie Spencer »

Like Carrie, I would love to relax and kick up my feet in The Shire. Ever since I got into the LOTR universe, I've been enraptured with the idea of rolling green hills, warm and cozy houses residing in said hills, impressive gardens, and lovely residents. I'd probably have a picnic over looking a pond, or visit the hobbits there and praise their gardens. I also love to bake and cook (but more so to bake...I have a bit of a sweet tooth) so I would definitely ask for a recipe or two as well to pass the time. I imagine the air would be so fresh there, and it would do wonders to any traveler with weary feet.
Amy Smith
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Re: Book Bout - Which Fictional World Would You Like to Relax in?

Post by Amy Smith »

The fictional world where I would like to relax would be the World of Narnia.I would like to relax in this place cause there will be no pollution as there will be no vehicles and instead of vehicles there will be horses.Also there will be a lot of greenery and I prefer places where there are plants,animals everywhere rather than huge buildings to relax. Breathing in fresh air and listening to the sounds of the birds and the river would also help me to relax.
Emerald Wolvenhowl
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Re: Book Bout - Which Fictional World Would You Like to Relax in?

Post by Emerald Wolvenhowl »

The Larkin family in the Darling Buds of May instantly springs to mind. They live on a farm and have pigs, geese, hens and horses etc and during the summer months they dine outside in their garden amongst the trees. Since they live in rural Kent, the farm is surrounded by the natural beauty of the fields, meadows and a woodland too.

Just like them I would love to be outside watching the sun kissed petals of wild flowers gently swaying in the breeze as a sweet aroma of Ma Larkin's homemade Jam tarts wafts by. It would be even better to be with them when they row along a nearby tranquil lake, watching the sunset as the dragonflies settle to rest their tired wings and the silence of the evening being broken only by singing Nightingales tweeting goodnight to their family and friends. If I could be there right now, then in the words of Pop Larkin himself, it would be 'Perfick!'
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