What's your star sign?

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February Fortescue
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What's your star sign?

Post by February Fortescue »

Have you even been curious, looked up your star sign, read the personality traits, and thought, "Hey, this fits!" Or have you instead come away thinking, "Are you kidding me? This doesn't apply to me at all!"

I was born on February 12th, which makes me Aquarius. I share my birthday with Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin. I missed Luna Lovegood's by one day - she was born on the 13.

I think it fits me. I can a bit unusual at times and tend to look at things in unique ways. Aquarius is known as the Water Bearer and the symbol is often seen pouring out water, but that water actually represents knowledge and wisdom. That sounds like me: I'm often found sharing my opinions, and to add to that, I can be really stubborn and opinionated at times. I also have a humanitarian side and will gladly help anyone I can, which is also an Aquarian trait.

What's your sign? Do you think it fits you?
superb sig by Prof. Sindor Aloyarc
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Hannah Lovegood
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Re: What's your star sign?

Post by Hannah Lovegood »

I'm a Sagittarius. I think that the description fits me. One of the traits is "fun" and I love having fun. Another trait is energetic. I'm very energetic. I am very hard to tire out. :P :D
Prof. Sindor Aloyarc
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Re: What's your star sign?

Post by Prof. Sindor Aloyarc »

Born on November 20th, I’m a Scorpio on the cusp of Sagittarius, which I think is an accurate reflection of my personality.

A friend of mine a few years ago snarked at me that his Mom (who apparently is into doing astrological readings) always says there’s no such thing as being a “cusp” sign. Convinced I was being too wishy washy, and that I should just say I’m a Scorpio. I personally tend to feel, as with many things, that it really is a spectrum. Like a color wheel. Quite radically varied, and pending which side of one color you move toward it begins to blend more and more with those which are adjacent while still technically falling into its original category up to a certain point.

The energy of Scorpio is described as Passionate, Determined, Dynamic, Honest, Intuitive, Intense, Magnetic. Often seen as Secretive or Mysterious, which in spite of my mystique being more like a “hiding in plain sight” kinda thing, people who’ve known me over the years would say this is appropriate.

Sagittarius energy can be described as Optimistic, Adventurous, Silly. Fun, Free Spirited, Energetic, Philosophical, and Spontaneous. Often seen as being quick to generosity as much as recklessness.

Most people upon meeting me would probably pickup more of my Sagittarius qualities, which makes sense to the Scorpio in me, which is less likely to live on the surface with strangers. I’m such a bubbly, socially extroverted person in so many ways, but in my heart I’m equally an introspective home-body type’a guy.

I didn’t know anything in particular about Sagittarius until I was in my later teens. It all made a lot more sense to me, because while I do strongly identify as a Scorpio, having a portion of this Sagittarius side added to my mix has clearly influenced so much of how I’ve utilized the vehicle of my life and character in getting to this point today.

One of my favorite short pieces of writing is about the twelve children of the zodiac being presented with certain gifts or duties. I can’t find the page I first read this on which had some graphics I loved, but you can Click Here to read the others if you’re interested!

Below I’ve shared the gift of my proper sign in addition to the duty of my cusp:

To you Scorpio I give a very difficult task. You will have the ability to know the minds of other people, but I do not permit you to speak about what you learn. Many times you will be pained by what you see, and in your pain, you will turn away from Me and forget that it is not I, but the perversion of My Idea, that is causing your pain. You will see so much of humankind that you will come to know them as animals, and will wrestle so much with the animal instincts in yourself that you will lose your way; but when you finally come back to Me, Scorpio.
I have for you the supreme gift of Purpose
… And Scorpio stepped back.
To you Sagittarius I ask that you make people laugh, for amidst their misunderstanding of My Idea they become bitter. Through laughter, you are to give people hope, and through hope turn their eyes back to Me. You will touch many lives if but for a moment, and you will know the restlessness in every life you touch. To you Sagittarius I give the gift of Infinite Abundance that you may spread wide enough to reach every corner of darkness and bring it Light.
… And Sagittarius stepped back into place.
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Prof. Sky Alton
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Re: What's your star sign?

Post by Prof. Sky Alton »

I'm a cancer and I've always been very attached to my sign, despite being a natural sceptic about the zodiac and other such things.

Cancers are known to be caring, protective and emotionally intuitive which are things I'd like to think I am (perhaps a little too much sometimes). Certainly, looking after the people around me is always my top priority and I tend to dwell almost constantly on how other people are feeling. I struggle to see anyone in distress, particularly if there's nothing I can do.

I'm also quite (okay very) needy: while I'll move heaven and earth for people I hardly know just because I feel it's the right thing to do, I still crave affection and recognition all the time. A little goes a long way though, so I can live off a single positive comment for weeks.

Cancers are also said to be sensitive, moody and volatile which are definitely flaws I've seen in myself before. I take things very much to heart and can be an absolute nightmare if I don't take time to calm down after something has upset me. Lots of people on HOL have told me they admire my ability to keep my head in a difficult situation but that's only because they don't see what goes through my mind immediately after something goes wrong. ;)
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Mia Fountain
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Re: What's your star sign?

Post by Mia Fountain »

I'm a Virgo, I feel that I possess many of the traits of a Virgo. It can be hard for me to trust or warm up to people I have just met. I am hardworking (sometimes, too hardworking according to friends/family), loyal, analytical, and kind (though it may be hidden behind grumpiness). I can be very protective of my family and animals.

I also exhibit some of the negative traits. I am a worrier, and I can be very critical of myself and others. I am also a perfectionist which depending on the situation can be a good or a bad thing.
Cleena Lokisdottir
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Re: What's your star sign?

Post by Cleena Lokisdottir »

i am a virgo, and it does fit me to a t im extreamly over critical, to the point of over thinking things, as well as down to earth and the voice of reason when its needed.
Avery Hill
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Re: What's your star sign?

Post by Avery Hill »

I am a Taurus. And just like my mom, I am down to earth, very stubborn and I like to eat as well. I am also hardworking like the bull.
Annabelle Krum
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Re: What's your star sign?

Post by Annabelle Krum »

I think it's really cool to share that I'm actually born on the "cusp" date of Taurus and Gemini. They say that this means I should show the traits of both, but I'm not sure I do. I don't really believe in Star Signs to begin with, though I am guilty of scrolling through many astrology forums and seeing what I should be like. Overall, I think I'm more like a Taurus than I am a Gemini if I had to pick one, but I'm pleased to just be myself at the end of the day.
Sheila Bagnold
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Re: What's your star sign?

Post by Sheila Bagnold »

I'm a Cancer, and feel like I fit it very well. Cancers are supposed to be kind and caring, i believe, as well as moody and very sensitive. I don't know if that is correct, but I do know that I am basically all of those, and even more probably.
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Tanisha Sparks
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Re: What's your star sign?

Post by Tanisha Sparks »

I am born on the month of November, therefore I am a Scorpio. A Scorpio is often seen as profound thinkers, constantly a step away from the public and secretive, all of this fits me very well.
Aleksandra Alessa
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Re: What's your star sign?

Post by Aleksandra Alessa »

I'm born in January and I'm an Aquarius. "People born under the Aquarius sign are said to be progressive, independent, intelligent, unique, and idealistic." I don't know if that applies to me but I like to think that I'm at least unique and independent as I like to go my own way
Elena Hargreeves
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Re: What's your star sign?

Post by Elena Hargreeves »

Taurus here! I think my sign fits me a little too well as I am known to be pretty stubborn. Once my mind is set on something, I can't rest until it's done. My friends from college say that I'm also very "extra" when it comes to my work ethic. I'll always complete things way in advance and even complete the unnecessary or non-mandatory tasks on top of it all.
Usagi Kohaku
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Re: What's your star sign?

Post by Usagi Kohaku »

Pisces here!!!! :D
Pisces are dreamy and sensitive, which really represents me, they are also prone to sadness, which also suits me. I really like astrology!!! I did my birth chart years ago and several things came out right!
That's why there are people who don't always identify with their sun sign, the entire birth chart must be studied to have a more accurate reading.
Larissa Riddle
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Re: What's your star sign?

Post by Larissa Riddle »

My star sign is a cancer and I think it fits well. Emotional, sensitive, self-protective. Those all describe me well! :D
Reyyan Azkendra
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Re: What's your star sign?

Post by Reyyan Azkendra »

My star sign is Leo, and my house is Gryffindor. interesting coincidence :lol: but... I'm not sure if my star sign fits me well. especially for being a perfectionist. I do sloppy things more often than perfectionists :mellow:
Thank you for the cool signature, Ana! :wub:
Adeline Morior
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Re: What's your star sign?

Post by Adeline Morior »

My sign is Pisces (26 Feb). I use to be one side of my sign more when I was younger but have grown into the other attributes of my sign more and more. My Husband is Pisces as well. We can see it in our daily way of doing things and similarities in our personalities.

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Lex Green
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Re: What's your star sign?

Post by Lex Green »

I'm a Libra, and everything I see about astrology is either perfectly accurate or as wrong as it could possible be!
A huge thank you to my secret elf for the sig!
Lexi Evergreen
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Re: What's your star sign?

Post by Lexi Evergreen »

My star sign is Aquarius. I think the traits usually fit me very well. :)
Hannah Rose Malfoy
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Re: What's your star sign?

Post by Hannah Rose Malfoy »

My star sign is Aquarius and I think I fit most of the traits pretty well :)
Prof. Will Lestrange
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Re: What's your star sign?

Post by Prof. Will Lestrange »

Out of character: Taurus
In character: Scorpio

I think that "Taurean Slytherin" traits (Horace Slughorn was also a Taurus Slytherin Head of House, just saying) describe me pretty perfectly; I do have Scorpio in at least three other places on my zodiac though to be fair (plus a Venus in Taurus to match my Sun)!

But apparently my chart is Scorpio dominant (ascendant, first house stellium and all that)? With intense Taurus-Scorpio opposition? The hard part (as HOL's resident 'Scorpio impersonator') is trying to tease out which of my "representative Taurus" traits are actually traits from the other side of the zodiac wheel!
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