Zodiac Signs

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Maeve Madden
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Zodiac Signs

Post by Maeve Madden »

Seeing as how we're in Taurus season (and the best season, in my totally unbiased opinion... JK :P I'm a very proud and unapologetic Taurus), I thought it would be interested to talk about Zodiac signs!

Do you identify with your zodiac sign? What traits do you exhibit? Or, is there a sign that better fits you? How come?

As a Taurus, I am incredibly stubborn and tend to love material things, but I am also down to earth and honest.
Prof. Will Lestrange
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Re: Zodiac Signs

Post by Prof. Will Lestrange »

My OOC birthday is only a few days before yours! But... it's interesting - my chart is Scorpio dominant (Pluto very tightly conjunct with my ascendant, joining Mars and Saturn in the first house) and traits such as stubbornness are shared by Taurus and Scorpio - I've said I am "too stubborn for a single fixed sign" after all!

Apparently Tauruses are supposed to be lazy and procrastinators too... not me at all... but the love of creature comforts in addition to stubbornness does fit (think "more Horace Slughorn than Homer Simpson").

So I'd say "it's more complicated than where your sun lies, astrologically speaking"... though I chose a different in-character birthday (11.11.01) for a reason! Never mind that the generation my character has to be to graduate Hogwarts in 2020 messes up the rest of his chart...
Adeline Morior
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Re: Zodiac Signs

Post by Adeline Morior »

I am a Pisces and I agree with it. A lot about a Pisces are told to be overemotional, erratic etc. The thing is a Pisces is the twelfth house so they share traits of all the houses before them. I use to be very emotional when I was a younger Pisces, wearing my heart on my sleeve but I have grown into my Taurus Moon rising giving me more stability and grounding me more. Becoming more down to Earth and honest appose to emotional games a young Pisces can play. I still agree and love my sign as it flows and adapts easily towards others and situations. Giving me access to a lot of creativity and love.

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Anne-Marie Gagne
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Re: Zodiac Signs

Post by Anne-Marie Gagne »

My zodiac is Cancer. I very much fit the bill for that sign haha

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Lexa Winslow
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Re: Zodiac Signs

Post by Lexa Winslow »

I'm a Taurus Sun (Aries cusp), Scorpio Moon, and Virgo Rising. I agree with some elements of my Sun sign (for example, being stubborn and materialistic), but others I don't (I'm not super grounded, steady, or consistent). I agree more with the traits of my Scorpio Moon. I think I'm missing some parts of the Taurus sign because I was born on the day Aries changes to Taurus, so I think that messed me up a little. :lol:
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Galena May
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Re: Zodiac Signs

Post by Galena May »

Taurus season, hehe, I am a Taurus as well. Materialistic, yes! Stubborn, only when threatened at touchy and sensitive places.
As a Taurus Sun, Sagittarius moon, and a Cancer rising, I am a blend of a few traits of each sign. Let me say here that the sun sign is what determines the few basic aspects of one's personality, as does my Sun in Taurus Sign, the moon sign determines one's emotions and sensitivities, mine is unapologetically Sagittarius, I am free -spirited and a wanderer, and my Cancer ascendant sign ensures that I am empathetic, sensitive, gentle with others, humane and kind. The ascendant sign determines how we communicate with others, and I think that for me, Cancer is the right place for my ascendant sign to be.
Galena May, just your average witch, only the fun please.
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