Holidays? Where to go?

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Silvana Mandeville
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Holidays? Where to go?

Post by Silvana Mandeville »

Who doesn't like it when the holiday comes? Everyone must be very happy. We can finally take a break from all the business that we usually do. Especially during the Christmas and New Year holidays, most times we usually used to gather with our families, right? Some would spend time at home but some will travel out of town or even abroad.

I usually spent it at home or went back to my hometown but I really want to spend my Christmas vacation by going to the snowy countries since it’s never snowing here.

How about you? Is there a city or country that you really want to visit for Christmas or any holidays?
Mia Fountain
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Re: Holidays? Where to go?

Post by Mia Fountain »

I usually spend my holidays at home, with my family. If I were to go somewhere I'd like to go somewhere warm to get away from the colder weather, and to take a break from the craziness of the holidays.
Amy Smith
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Re: Holidays? Where to go?

Post by Amy Smith »

Like Mia. I usually spend my holidays with my family as well. However, if I could go somewhere I would definitely want to go to Norway, France and Japan. I've always wanted to visit Norway and get to see the Northern Lights.
Adeline Morior
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Re: Holidays? Where to go?

Post by Adeline Morior »

I tend to spend holidays at home or with family. We use to go to the coasts and spend time at the beach as the holidays fall in the summer time here. I do miss it and perhaps should do it again.

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Reyyan Azkendra
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Re: Holidays? Where to go?

Post by Reyyan Azkendra »

I usually spend my holidays staying in my room, chitchatting with my online friends and... sleeping (lol so unproductive). But, sometimes I spend a few days at my grandma's house and wander around looking for delicious food that might be edible.
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Hiya Debnath
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Re: Holidays? Where to go?

Post by Hiya Debnath »

I usually spend my holidays at home, but if I were to go somewhere, I would definitely go to visit Disneyland in either Paris, France, or Tokyo, Japan, while simultaneously visiting the other wonders in these countries such as the Louvre Museum, or other important places in Japan. I would also love to visit London, England, and explore the cultural wonders there. If I had lots of money, I would visit the Harry Potter set or go to Dubai, UAE, and enjoy its luxuries. I would also love to explore the town of Salem, a major site of witch-burnings and witch hunting and killing in the past. That would be a great place to explore for a witch, even if just to honor the repetitive mentions of the International Statute of Secrecy in History of Magic and other classes. I have heard that the place is haunted and would love to see and explore its mysteries. I would also visit the little witch-themed tourist attractions and the witchcraft shops that have sprung up there.
Other than these, I also enjoy visiting amusement parks and climbing on different types of rides, museums, and zoos.
I also love to spend my vacations in cool but sunny resorts near forests or forest reserves, close to nature. These are the most common types of vacations that I go on.
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Janne Halla
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Re: Holidays? Where to go?

Post by Janne Halla »

It very depends much on the length of the vacation, not so much on the season. Generally, I love to go somewhere warm, either in the Mediterranean or somewhere tropical.

If the vacation only lasts a couple of days, my usual stop is any of my country's spa resorts. For longer, I've been to France, Spain, Italy and Greece. I've got a soft spot for Italy, it's one of my favourite vacation spots.

As for which countries I'd love to visit, I've never been to Asia or Australia, so one of the countries there, most likely. It'd be a fun experience. :)
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