Which Email ID should I send my class assignments from?

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Galena May
Posts: 240
Joined: Tue Jun 04, 2024 7:19 am
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Which Email ID should I send my class assignments from?

Post by Galena May »

I have a question. Is it compulsory to send class assignments from an email ID that contains my HOL name, or will they still be checked if I send them from an email ID without my HOL name in it but put my HOL name and house in the body of my email and use the correct subject as asked?
I will be grateful for your response. Thank you so much.
Yours truly,
Galena May.
Thank you so much to my secret elf for my siggy, Happy New Year 2025!
Galena May, just your average witch, only the fun please.
Janne Halla
Silver Arrow
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Re: Which Email ID should I send my class assignments from?

Post by Janne Halla »

As far as I'm aware, your e-mail doesn't have to include your HOL name anywhere in it (for example, janne.halla@email.com - not a real e-mail). Though I'm sure it helps that it's the same one that you've signed up to HOL and other forums with it.

It's very important that you include your HOL name and house in the body of the e-mail, and anywhere else that a class teacher says (like in the subject of the e-mail).

Some people prefer to have separate HOL and 'real life' e-mails, and some prefer to use the 'real life' one for everything.
Galena May
Posts: 240
Joined: Tue Jun 04, 2024 7:19 am
Location: HOL Forum

Re: Which Email ID should I send my class assignments from?

Post by Galena May »

Thank you so much, Janne.
Thank you so much to my secret elf for my siggy, Happy New Year 2025!
Galena May, just your average witch, only the fun please.
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