Random Questions

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Oliver Granger
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Random Questions

Post by Oliver Granger »

I've been reading peoples replies to messages and I was wondering if any prefect could please answer this. How do you get pets? Also how do you grow plants in herbology? These may sound stupid but I'm fascinated.
~ Oliver Granger Ravenclaw 1st Year B) :)
Prof. Ryan Granger
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Re: Random Questions

Post by Prof. Ryan Granger »

Hi Oliver,

Pets and growing plants in the greenhouse were older features on HOL that were lost when we updated the site.

That’s not to say that they’re gone forever. Our HO and Groundskeeper are constantly working to improve the site and add new features, so they may return!
Prof. Ryan Granger | Ravenclaw Head of House | Most Likely Lost
Oliver Granger
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Re: Random Questions

Post by Oliver Granger »

Oh ok thank you!!!
~ Oliver Granger Ravenclaw 1st Year B) :)
Holly Mayweather
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Re: Random Questions

Post by Holly Mayweather »

I was wondering how points are tallied? is it for each assignment completed or how many participants in a class LOL
-Holly Mayweather, First year, Hufflepuff
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Re: Random Questions

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Hi Holly

The way that points are tallied is usually written in the introduction and/or syllabus of the classes. Points are earned by students for the homework which they complete.

For example, you are taking the class Herbology, given by Professor Sky Alton. If you look in About the Class, there is some information about the points in General Information. Specifics about the points earned in the Assignments can be found in the beginning of the assignment - for instance, in Assignment 1, she writes that you will be awarded a maximum of 60 points per assignment.

Participation in HOL Hogwarts activities might also earn points. If that is the case, the information is usually in the Introduction to that activity, with criteria for earning the points clearly delineated.
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Violet Mangely
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Re: Random Questions

Post by Violet Mangely »

Helloooo, I just wanted to ask how long does it take for someone to check your assignment? When I sent my first one, it was checked just in a couple of hours, but when I sent my second one two days ago (Friday), it still didn’t get checked. I still haven’t got a email back from someone. Is it just that teachers and assistants don’t work on weekends? (I sent my second assignment pretty late, at like 9 p.m. HOL time). Thank you!
Prof. Maxim Trevelyan
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Re: Random Questions

Post by Prof. Maxim Trevelyan »

Hi Violet!

It completely depends on the professor or their class assistant.

Some people grade on a weekly basis, some on monthly, there are teachers who grade at the end of the term and some grade as the work comes in. Since your work has been graded very fast, it might just be that you got lucky and caught the professor when they were intending to grade the work anyway, so it was looked at quickly.

My advice is that you are patient and wait. If a few weeks pass, you can send a message to the professor or their class assistant whether they received your work. When I was a student, I often politely asked my teachers if they got my work, since technology seemed to disagree with me more often than not. There is no harm in asking, just do not demand that they grade your work.

Hope this helped!
...also a platonic soulmate and a hot mess of a human being.
Serena Jackson
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Re: Random Questions

Post by Serena Jackson »

How can i see the house points i earned from assignments and activities?
Reyyan Azkendra
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Re: Random Questions

Post by Reyyan Azkendra »

Hi, Serena.

If you have earned points before, you can see it on your profile. There is a 'point' column with details. But, I've seen your profile and it says you haven't earned any points yet. So let's earn points then you can see the point column and help your house win the house cup! ^^

You can see my profile if you're curious how the column looks like

I hope this helped ^^
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Dibyarup James Potter
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Signature Rule Doubt

Post by Dibyarup James Potter »

I found the following signature rules while exploring the Dungeons and it made me curious whether these rules apply everywhere else including this Forum, the Den, the Sett and the Roost.

The Signature Rule I found:
- ONE image with maximum dimensions of 250(wide) x 100(high) pixels.
- PLUS ONE image of 250x20.
- DO NOT combine these limits to make a super 500x120 image or similar. They are individual limits.

You may also elect to have a maximum of TWO 250x20 images instead of the above."
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Prof. Sky Alton
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Re: Signature Rule Doubt

Post by Prof. Sky Alton »

Dibyarup James Potter wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2024 12:35 pm I found the following signature rules while exploring the Dungeons and it made me curious whether these rules apply everywhere else including this Forum, the Den, the Sett and the Roost.

The Signature Rule I found:
- ONE image with maximum dimensions of 250(wide) x 100(high) pixels.
- PLUS ONE image of 250x20.
- DO NOT combine these limits to make a super 500x120 image or similar. They are individual limits.

You may also elect to have a maximum of TWO 250x20 images instead of the above."
Signature rules are the responsibility of the admins of each forum so they won't necessarily be the same across all 5 forums. The HOL forum signature rules are given in the Ask a Prefect FAQ.
"Growing up doesn't have to mean I lose the cape, the faith, the dream. I'm so done with that... I'm taking it back."
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Galena May
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Re: Random Questions

Post by Galena May »

Hello, I would like to ask if there is currently a server problem in the Ravenclaw Common Room. Thank you.
Galena May, just your average witch, only the fun please.
Prof. Sindor J. Aloyarc
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Re: Random Questions

Post by Prof. Sindor J. Aloyarc »

Galena May wrote: Thu Jun 27, 2024 5:35 am Hello, I would like to ask if there is currently a server problem in the Ravenclaw Common Room. Thank you.
Hello, Galena! Yes, unfortunately the roost will most likely be down for the next few days, then we’ll have access to it again when the bandwidth resets at the beginning of July. Hopefully we’ll be able to avoid this issue in the future, but for now we’re just hanging tight for a bit longer! :)
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Galena May
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Re: Random Questions

Post by Galena May »

Thank you so much, Professor.
Galena May, just your average witch, only the fun please.
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