Welcome to The Hobbit, From Tolkien to Jackson. You don't need to have read the books and/or seen the movies to take this class. While having done so might be of use to you if I am asking you for opinions on certain changes made from book to movie, you will definitely be able to read the lessons and know what I'm talking about in the assignments!
Syllabus and Class Information.
This class offers three awards --

- for people who earn the full 300 points possible

- to the person(s) from each House who earned the most points

-- given to those people who are entertaining in their write-ups, answers and essays
I look forward to you being in my class!
Note the first: If for accessibility reasons you can't complete an assignment, please just let me know and an alternative can be worked out.
Note the second: If you do send in a late homework, without having asked for an extension, and it is accepted, there will be a points deduction for it being late.
