
Class led by Prof. Gustavo Flores

Moderator: Prof. Gustavo Flores

Prof. Gustavo Flores
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Post by Prof. Gustavo Flores »

This is the place where you can introduce yourself to the rest of the class! You can tell us why you decided to take this class, what other HOL classes you are taking, what do you like doing, or anything else you think convenient. Remember this is 10 points worth of extra credit.

I'll start myself:

I'm Prof. Gustavo Flores, from the fantastic and noble Ravenclaw House. I am Mexican, I am 34 years old. I studied Communications, and have a Master Degree in Education. Outside of HOL I am a High-School Professor/Counselor. I truly love my job! It's easily one of the best things that has happened to me! Ok, what else?? Literature, Cinema, and dancing are the activities I enjoy doing the most! I'm always reading a book, I can never say no when it's about watching a movie, and most of my free time is spent in dancing rehearsals or dancing classes (jazz, ballet, contemporary).

The performing parts are huge part of my life as well! I have been fortunate enough to perform in professional school productions, in plays like "The Phantom of the Opera", "Beauty and the Beast", "Shrek: The Musical", "The Wizard of Oz", among others.

Besides Care of Magical Pets, I am also teaching Disney Studies: The Classics, and And the Oscar Goes To, Take 1. Make sure to check them out!
So who's next?!!! :D
Last edited by Prof. Gustavo Flores on Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
Silvana Mandeville
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Re: Introductions!

Post by Silvana Mandeville »

Hello, my name is Silvana Mandeville. I am a Fifth Year Ravenclaw. Aside from doing homework, at HOL I’m also busy with Prefect duties, teaching classes, and overseeing the Art/Library Dept. The reason I chose this class is because I really love pets, especially cats. I have been interested in this class since my first year here, when I was going around HOL and found Prof. Gus' profile. Too bad, this class wasn’t available before. This year I am also taking Defense against the Dark Arts, Disney Studies: The Classic, History of Pets, Quidditch – The Wizarding Way, and, of course, O.W.L.s. Before, I had a white cat named Draco, after Draco Malfoy. He passed away in 2015, though, after that I don’t feel like owning a cat, especially because I moved a lot at that time. But I always play with random cats every time I meet them. Draco was a scaredy cat. I used to throw a balloon or ball to him and he would run away to hide. I think I teased him a lot, because he was so cute when he cried or when he wanted to scratch me. He was a smart cat. I often called him Model Draco. I have a lot of his pictures since birth. He always went to play with his friends somewhere but always came home when it's meal time or after sunset. Draco had an enemy, a black wildcat who used to come to our house to attack him, duh. One time it was a rainy night and we heard his voice when fighting. He was so dirty after that.
Alexandra Rosier
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Re: Introductions!

Post by Alexandra Rosier »

Hello! I'm Alexandra Rosier, a first year from slytherin. I'm 18 years old, I'm Italian and I'm studying graphic design, while also taking a course of creative writing in the evenings. As you might have already grasped I'm a passionate writer, i would love to publish some of my works one day and I think that's my life goal. I'm also a really avid reader but I'm not a picky one, I just read whatever I can find... Somtimes I read books in a language I don't even know but translator browsers and apps have their purpouses and nothing can stop me from reading a good book. Other than that, I'm a huge fan of traveling, my family owns a campervan so we're always going around in the weekends; we had it since i was 9 years old so I can affirm that travelling is indeed part of my life and I'm always so thrilled when I get the chance to "escape" my hometown.

As of what classes I'm taking this term; I chose: Astronomy 101, Occlumency, the Unforgivable Curses, Care of Magical Pets (of course) and I'm in the HOL 101 orientation class.
I chose Care of Magical Pets mostly because I'm an animal lover and a pet owner myself, as such I want to learn as much as possible to give my own pets the best life I can.
In real life, I'm the owner of two puppies named Dafne and Scooby (yes, they are form the cartoon "Scooby Doo"), a black cat named Nerina (which it's approximately traslated as "little black" with a feminine connotation) and an aquatic turtle named Ines.

My two dogs can sit and lay down, if you have a treat with you... Otherwise they'll just look at you and pretend that they don't know what you want them to do. But the both of them are literally my sun when I'm having a bad day, they're always running around, falling here and there while playing together; it's such a simple thing but it brings me so much happiness every day.
About my feline friend, there isn't much to say; she's mostrly a loner and sleeps all day while being a little devil whenever she can; I think that she finds really funny waking me up at 3am while she has her zoomies around my room.
My turtle just exists, it lives its life without giving much attention to anyone or anything other than her food.

Well, I think that this is all there is to say about me. I'm just a chaotic person with even more chaotic pets running around my house.
"He is half of my soul, as the poets say.”
― Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles
Sophia Williams
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Re: Introductions

Post by Sophia Williams »

Hello, I'm Sophia WIlliams, I'm a first year Gryffindor. I'm almost 23 years old, I'm French but currently living on the other side of the world. I'm studying undergraduate biology and biochemistry at university. I decided to join HOL because I've always been a fan of the Harry Potter universe and I like studying and learning new things, HOL seemed to be the perfect place to do it. I decided to take this course as I love animals. I currently have fish at home and my mom has 2 cats (Phileas and Rhadamanthe: I'm not quite sure how to describe what they look like, but Rhadamanthe is mostly grey with a very strong personality, while Philease is white with some tiger-like patches on him, I refer to him as my little brother :D ) and I want to learn as much as I can about animals. I'm waiting to move in with my friend to adopt more pets. I'm also taking Defence Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures and HOL101.
Back to my animals. I used to have 3 fish tanks, one was hosting a betta, named Azule, I unfortunately had to put him to sleep as he had an incurable disease, and he was suffering. I also grew up with a rabbit, named Gris-Gris, who was my best friend, he passed away in 2019 and I still miss him daily.
I can't wait to learn more about magical pets! :D
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