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Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:51 am
by Prof. Kyrie Adderholt
Hello and welcome to Quidditch the Wizarding Way! I'm Kyrie Adderholt, third year Ravenclaw prefect and RQT co-captain. I teach two other classes, The History of Witchcraft and Famous Witches and Wizards in History, and assist 3 classes, Silmarien Szilagyi's Beginning Hungarian, Alexia Riaper's Advanced Magic of Forensic Science, and Gustavo Flores' Care of Magical Pets. In real life, I'm a junior in uni studying history and French. My fabulous assistant for this class will be Alexia Riaper! Bug her with questions <<

Please do NOT send in your work before September 1st.

Feel free to post here and introduce yourself!

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:27 am
by Prof. Silmarien Szilagyi
Hi Kyrie, Alexia, and fellow students!

My name's Silmarien Szilagyi, and I'm a fourth year Ravenclaw prefect. I teach Beginning Hungarian and assist Kyrie's The History of Witchcraft and Rorey Padfoot's A Visit to Diagon Alley. I'm taking this class because ever since getting to know Kyrie, I've realized I'm woefully ignorant of most matter quiddy. So I need to buff up. Plus, I took a quiz where I had to tell the difference between quiddy and curling terms that made me realize I don't know much about either. Quiddy's much more interesting though, so I'll just stay ignorant about curling. >>

In real life, I'm a college senior with a double major of anthropology and biology. My dream is to become a forensic anthropologist. I've still got a few years of schooling to go though!

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:59 am
by Adelaide Basil
Hi Kyrie!

I'm Addie Basil, and I'm a Slytherin first year student. Outside of HOL, I'm a college student majoring in communications. I'm taking this class because I've realized that other than the very basics I don't know that much about Quidditch. Also, I want to eventually play Quidditch on HOL, so I should know about the Wizarding way too, right?

I'm looking forward to the first lesson!

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 8:42 am
by Rensha Black
Hey everyone!

I am Rensha Black and I am third year Slytherin. This term I decided to take 5 classes and they are A Visit to Diagon Alley -Rorey Padfoot, Advanced Potion Making -Kath Snape, Muggle Puzzles -Neville Prongs, Quidditch - The Wizarding Way -Kyrie Adderholt and The Marauders 101 -Serenity Thomas. This is one of recommended class from my lovely friend. Quidditch is fun and I am excited to see in the wizarding way.
In RL I am a college student major of IT

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:49 am
by Luis Colon
Hey people!

I am Luis Colon, a Second Year Gryffindor. I'm taking 5 classes during this term: Quidditch the Wizarding Way, HOL Quidditch, Dumbledore's Army, A Visit to Diagon Alley, and History of Magic. I'm currently playing on the Summer Quidditch League and since I like it, I want to learn more about Quidditch. In real life, I live in Puerto Rico and I'm a high school student 11th grade.

I'm looking forward to the first lesson.

(No RL names please)

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:24 am
by Patrick James
Hi Kyrie and fellow students,

I am Patrick, you can call me Pat or PatHat or Patty whatever. I am a soccer freak and love Quidditch. I have a cheap Firebolt broom(not in RL!!) and love chatting. You can find me in #hol most of the time or otherwise, botting. I really want to make to the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, but I have heard that you need fast fingers which I lack because im 11. So PLEASE check out my HOL profile and again, I AM A SOCCER FREAK!!! ;)

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:31 pm
by Dani Crespo
Hi everyone, my name is Baskoro. I am first year Gryffindor. I want to take this class but I have taken 5 other classes this semester. So, I can't take it right now. I love soccer in a real life and I think quidditch is not far from soccer :P Quidditch in HP is just like soccer in a real life. It is the most famous sport! I hope I can take this class for the next semester. I really want to take a part in Gryffindor Quidditch team in HOL!

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:56 pm
by Karen Circa
Hi everyone, I'm Karen Circa. I'm a huge quidditch junkie so that's mostly why I took this class. On HOL you can find me mostly on the quidditch pitch, reading fashion magazines in the common room, or shopping via catalog or internet. This is pretty much the same in real life except instead of quidditch, I'm making art and studying to be an art teacher. Glad to be here.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:57 am
by Syarri Hazelia
Hello everyone *waved*

I am Syarri Hazelia, 1st year Gryffindor.
I am Indonesian.
I interested about the subject of this class, that's why i choose to become a part in this class.
i also take a visit to diagon alley, an introduction to history of magic, beginners- defense against the dark art and care of magical pets.
In real life, i like reading, writing, watching movie, listening music and swimming..

Nice to meet you all, hope we'll be good classmate *bow down 90 degree*