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Founders: Quills & Awards

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:51 am
by Prof. Alaia Logan
And so we reach the end of yet another year. Thank you to everyone who put time and effort in to this class.

Huge thank you to the bestest (tots a word) assistant ever, the fabulous Chantel Poole. I couldn't have done this without her.

All points and quills have been awarded. If you feel you are missing either, please message me as soon as possible. I need to close the class within the next day or so and cannot rectify any problems after that point.

Finally, on to the awards:

Teachers Pet
This award is given to everyone who handed in all 10 pieces of work. Sadly there were only two who managed this feat this year, and they are:

Fumei Shirokuro
Prof. Saeir Darr

Order of the Founders
This award is given to the highest points earner(s) in each house. This term it was given to:

Gryffindor - Fumei Shirokuro
Hufflepuff - Alex Sparks
Ravenclaw - Aili Raja
Slytherin - Prof. Saeir Darr

The Sparkly Shiny Pretty Award (shush)
This award is given to those who amuse or impress me during the term. And the winners are:

Fumei Shirokuro - for her fabulous graphics. She has an amazing talent.
Prof. Saeir Darr - her term project was brilliant, not to mention hilarious. It takes a lot to make me laugh out loud while grading, but Saeir managed it.

Well done both of you.

Hope you all have a fantastic summer!

Prof. Alaia Logan