Background Noise

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Prof. Maxim Trevelyan
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Background Noise

Post by Prof. Maxim Trevelyan »

I find that I dislike being in the quiet, especially if I am home alone. I much prefer if there is something in the background that is giving off some noise, either music or most of the time in my case, TV shows.

When I am busy doing something, either that is household chores, cooking, or even doing or grading HOL assignments, I prefer to have TV turned on in the background. That gives me something to listen to while I do my tasks.

My preferred go-to TV shows for that purpose are reality shows, like Say Yes to the Dress, House Hunters International, Delicious Destinations, Counting On, or TV shows that I have seen so much that I can basically follow word for word, some of those being Brooklyn Nine-Nine, X-Files, Stargate: SG-1, Criminal Minds, Charmed (original one) and Whose Line is it Anyway (original UK and US) to name a few.

What about you? What are some TV shows that you have on in the background? Do you feel or notice yourself following the scenes or do you just have the television on for some background noise?
...also a platonic soulmate and a hot mess of a human being.
Prof. Kendra Givens
Silver Arrow
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Re: Background Noise

Post by Prof. Kendra Givens »

I absolutely have to have background noise, though I've found sometimes lately that I don't. I have a fan on when I sleep, and I'm okay during the day at home if the air is running for the background noise. If we're talking TV shows in the background, this is a little more difficult now than it used to be for me since moving. At my new home, we don't have a cable subscription, so we have to log in to someone else's TV channels through an app on the TV in order to access anything live. Sometimes I'll do that and just leave the channel running, no matter what's on. Either that or I turn on an old game show on Netflix and let it run through episodes. Match Game is one of my favorites. I feel I'm actually more likely to have music on in the background now through Alexa or Pandora.
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