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The 100

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 5:48 pm
by Ivelisse Ada
I just started watching this TV show two weeks ago and I'm nearly caught up, and dying to talk about it! Does anyone else watch The 100? What do you think?

The easiest way for me to describe it is a mix of Lost (though I've never watched Lost... <_<?) and The Lord of the Flies with a sort of dystopian feel. I would say the main theme is the question of what makes a good leader, and a bit less so, a good person - and if these things exist at all (I think it's concerned a lot with the idea of morality and rules). It also focuses on ideas like the definition of weakness or strength and how far one should (and can) go to survive. I appreciated how they really delved into the leadership idea in the second season, but I also found myself really disappointed in the main character, Clarke's, transformation... especially after what she did in the beginning of season 2, I found her later choices pretty hypocritical. It was refreshing to see a different take than usual - perhaps I would've been bored if she kept having the same ideas as in the first season - but I still find myself hoping that she comes full circle sometime soon. I really admired (what I would call) her strength of character in the first season, even if perhaps she appeared naive to some.

What I really love about this show (aside from the fact that, like a good book, I keep telling myself "just one more episode"... and especially in the second season, every new episode brought tons more questions than answers, so of course "one more episode" = at least 5 more!) is the amount of memorable and genuinely interesting characters - especially female ones! The show is littered with incredible, diverse, and powerful women. I am especially fond of Raven and Octavia (though Octavia took a bit to warm up to... but her transformation is my all-time favourite, I think). Each has their own motivations, their own beliefs, their own story- in my opinion we've seen almost all of them develop over the two seasons, which is awesome because it keeps me interested in all of them. They are realistic; there are things I love and despise about all of them. There's almost no characters in the core cast that I feel are one-dimensional or there to serve just one purpose, which is refreshing! It was easy to feel like I was there, like I really knew all these people, and when the other characters expected something of someone or depended on someone, so did I. I often have to watch this show when no one is home, because otherwise they think I'm crazy for cheering for people, yelling at others, etc :ph34r: Rather than just one or two people I really like, I have a tough time picking a true favourite - they're all important and interesting in their own way. Excellent, intriguing story and characters? I'm hooked!

Please tell me I'm not the only one watching this! I'm so excited to catch up with season 3 and be able to watch the episodes as they come out this month, so I would love to talk to someone about it :wub:

Re: The 100

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 7:23 pm
by Cody Lewis
You're definitely not the only one watching. I started watching at the recommendation of my Secret Elf, Niniel, but I haven't gotten far enough yet to form an opinion on the transformation of the characters you mentioned. I like the concept a lot though and I think you hit the nail on the head about leadership being a key theme. There are a lot of "for the greater good" moments that leave me thinking, what would *I* do in this situation?

I'll try to catch up before the end of the season so I can contribute more to this thread!

Re: The 100

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:52 pm
by Niniel Sanders
You are defintely not alone: I too am in love with the show. And I am entirely caught up (second ep of the third season as of this moment).

I read the books too, though I can't recommend them much - as much as I would love to say otherwise. They do have a few interesting aspects that aren't in the tv show, but they lack so much of the depth that they sadly fall flat compared to the TV show.

Oh... I had started this before Cody replied :D
Glad to see you liked it!

Re: The 100

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 2:20 am
by Prof. Limine Snidget
I love love love The 100!!!! It's part of my weekly Thursday routine. I love the storyline of the show. Although, without going into detail and spoiling anything, the whole City of Light thing is just kinda meh. The end of season two brought about so many "what would I do" moments that really left me conflicted, but I think that's just the mark of a good story. Also, after spending an hour on Tumblr browsing through the Bellarke tag last night before falling asleep, I can't not mention how much I love Bellamy... >>

Also, I do own the first book of the series because I thought I might like to read it eventually, but it's still in my massive pile of to-read pile because I'm worried it won't hold up to the show.

Re: The 100

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:18 am
by Marie Dark
This is a great Sci-fi show... my father suggested it and he's right... Love it... I will need to pick up the books to see how much is missing because we all know the books are usually better... lol