Doctor Who!

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Ariella McManus
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Ariella McManus »

Who's excited for Season 9?! I am..and I'm not. For the first time since the Davison era, I have serious reservations. But that aside, we really do need to start a Doctor Who Fan Club :D
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Lavinia Rookwood
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Lavinia Rookwood »

Well now that we've gotten a teaser and I've gotten to rewatch some of the episodes from season 8, I'm feeling much more optimistic about the new season. Alot of the things I had problems with, I've been able to get some new perspective of it and frankly, Peter Capaldi is excellent as the Doctor. I still have some concerns, but yeah, mark me down as excited.
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Ariella McManus »

I'm still not completely sold on either Clara or Missy, but after seeing the trailers, I have to admit that I'm pretty excited as well. I guess I'll trust the Moff on this one and see how it goes. I do know a fair amount of people, though, we said they will not be watching it anymore due to the direction it's taken.
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Amy Links
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Amy Links »

My daughter and I have watched the first 7 seasons of Doctor Who. I loved the 10th and 11th doctor and think they both did a wonderful job. It's always been hard to choose who my favorite is though my favorite episodes are Don't Blink, Demons Run, The Day of The Doctor, and The Time of the Doctor. I also liked Dooms Day. I mostly liked Dooms Day because it put so many of the Doctors companions together. I really need to watch season 8 and 9 but I haven't had the time. My little girl keeps asking me when we get to see a new Doctor Who lol
Alessa Jayde
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Alessa Jayde »

Oo Amy, you simply must continue watching Doctor Who to catch up!!
So who is everyone's favorite character (besides The Doctor since obviously we all love him)?
My favorites are River Song & The Master :3
Ainsley Royce
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Ainsley Royce »

I agree with you Alessa. I love River Song! The Master is so much fun to watch, especially with the newest season. I love what they are doing with that crazy cat!! :D :P

As far as companions, I love Donna Noble. She is my favorite because she really grounded the Doctor because it was a straight platonic relationship. It was built on mutual respect and that was something I really enjoyed seeing. Donna was so outspoken and not afraid to speak her mind. I loved the way she interacted with the Doctor and that to me was what made me love her the most.

Amy (and Rory) were my other two fave companions because I loved their relationship. It was adorable how they were childhood sweethearts. Also the way Amy first met the new Doctor (11) was one of my favorite episodes ever. Fish fingers and custard!! :)
Lavinia Rookwood
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Lavinia Rookwood »

*drumrolls to bring the dead thread back to life*

*remembers the Master had drums stuck in his head...immediately burns drums*

Ahem. So how anyone else started watching the new season? What's your thoughts on Bill, the new companion? I think she's absolutely wonderful and this season is fantastic so far.
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

I've not seen any of the new season yet -- but I *have* been watching the first season with #9! He is just so awesome and I've enjoyed watching it, and all the extras on the DVDs, a lot. Sadly I'm on the 4th DVD, so attempting to eek it out by watching other things (just watched Dark Shadows :lol:).

Back to the rest of your post and question -- From what I've seen of previews and little snippets, Bill is awesome! Intelligent, daring, smart (which isn't necessarily the same as intelligent), courageous and with a nifty sense of humour. What more could you want? She particularly compares nicely with that ... person ... who came in with #11 and continued through #12. She was of an ARGness which was quite incredibly off-putting for me. I stopped watching the show when she became a regular. That first time she showed up, as a Dalek? I was like EeeeEEuuuUUU. But she died! (YAY) Then, she came on as a regular? Murk.
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Ariella McManus
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Ariella McManus »

A person after my own heart!! I absolutely could not stand SHE-who-should-not-be-named!! I was never so glad to see the end of a character, and that includes Melanie Bush (yeah, I'm that old and been watching Doctor Who for a long time :rolleyes: ). As for Bill, I absolutely adore her. She honestly is everything a companion should be, and even reminds me of a modern day Barbara Wright, who traveled with the First Doctor. Sadly, we are losing Capaldi at the end of this series, and if rumour is to be believed, Bill is only around for this series as well. Darn pity!!
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Lavinia Rookwood
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Lavinia Rookwood »

Yeah, I was never the biggest fan of 'the person' myself. She had some good moments, but it never quite felt like the writers knew what they wanted to do and she always came off as bossy or fussy. But with Bill, it's like a breath of fresh air. Everything feels so much better and oddly, lighter now.

And yeah, I really love the Ninth Doctor. We just got my dad to watch one of his episodes (Dalek). He's not a fan really, but at least he doesn't mind the occasional attempt to brainwash...err, bring him on board.
Prof. Sky Alton
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Prof. Sky Alton »

''The Person' was like a bad fan fiction character - everybody in the show automatically liked her and the situations were engineered around her to retroactively give her a massive role in the shows mythology which they really hadn't creatively earned. Not that I've got a chip on my shoulder over this or anything....

I've only seen two eps of the latest series but I'm already loving it a lot more than I expected after the last one. Bill is fantastic, a character who has been conceived propperly so can actually stand on her own merits without everyone having to point out to us how special she is. (and you guys are making me wish I'd brought my series 1 to 4 boxset to uni with me...)
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Ariella McManus
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Ariella McManus »

Bill really is a breath of fresh air that has been badly needed for a few series now. I always liked Capaldi's Doctor, but with Bill he really seems to come into his own. It will be interesting to see where Chibnall takes it next series, and I am a little excited for that. Despite all my grumbling, however, I will miss Moffat. He gave us Matt Smith, after all, so he can't be all bad :D
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Lavinia Rookwood
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Lavinia Rookwood »

If you have an Amazon Prime account, they have the series 1-4 on there I believe.

But yeah, Bill is a stand out companion and she only seems to get better each episode. The third episode has been my favorite so far, and I'll leave it there to avoid spoilers. But even Capaldi's energy with Bill is so different and it's really making him look so much better as the Doctor.

I'm nervously excited for Chibnall. Probably because while I've seen many regenerations, it's all been in catch up. This is the first time I'll be going through a whole shift like this in live time, and not knowing what to expect, makes it a little nervewracking.
Hanna Inari
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Hanna Inari »

In general, I like Dr Who! But my favourite seasons were those with 9 and 10 Doctors. After 10th rebirth, I stopped watching for a year or more.
Then I returned and the first episodes with 11th and Amy were wonderful, I was really surprised how much I liked them. Even though I didn't particularly like Smith as the Doctor, he was okay, and I liked Amy a lot. I finished the first season with Smith in no time and then started to watch the second... and I wasn't so sure anymore if I like it. There were several episodes which I didn't watch in the previous seasons; they were either too scary, or too filled with politics and Dalecs whom I didn't like. Here, the first or the second episode was about Dalecs and politics, and then there were more things that I wanted to skip, and I didn't like the fact that there was a big plot that united all the episodes of the season, and I didn't like that plot itself. So I had to skip the whole season. I made a conclusion to stop watching at all.
And then I heard about 12th Doctor. I had high hopes about him, I liked him at the photos, he didn't look similar to 10th and 11th Doctors, and I thought that something new was coming. Also, I wanted to see Clara, even though I heard a lot of hate towards her, but I liked the actress that played her. So I watches a few episodes with Capaldi and I think that they're better than the ones with Smith but still of lower level than those with Tennant. I don't know if I watch these seasons till the end but maybe I will, some time in the future though.
I have very high hopes about the uncoming season, too.
Marie Dark
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Marie Dark »

I am probably the only person in the world that hadn't seen Dr. WHO.... well, ok one or two episodes when I was much younger but that was only because my father was watching and I didn't have anything else to do..... so I will put that on my list to watch on Netflix.... I am excited because I do miss a lot of references or jokes relating to this show.
Austin Ollivander Black
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Austin Ollivander Black »

I have only seen several mismatched episodes but my favorite doctor was played by David Tennant.
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Prof. Sky Alton
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Prof. Sky Alton »

So, the new series premiers tonight! Is anyone else excited?

While I'm really looking forward to seing how the new Doctor turns out, I might actually be equally as happy about having a fresh writing team and approach. Particularly excited about the idea of all the stories being stand alone (though hopefully it doesn't get too bitty). Unfortunately Moffat's style of doing things (where everything was overblown and far too intricately connected) really started to get on my nerves after a while as it seemed like the individual stories and even the characters were less important than the overall arc: right now, my hopes are just for 'something different'.
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Adaleine Shuster

Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Adaleine Shuster »

My favorite doctor was definitely Matt Smith. I mean who doesn't like custard and fish sticks? He was also just so funny. Has anyone seen the new female doctor? Thoughts?
Arianna Stonewater
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Arianna Stonewater »

I've only seen the first couple episodes of the new Doctor as I'm watching them when they become free on Prime/the BBC App, but so far I like it! It's definitely different, but I'm pretty pleased with how everything is going so far
Emily Spencer
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Emily Spencer »

So how is everyone liking Jodie Whitaker as The Doctor? I will admit I wasn't all that thrilled about it at first, but I decided to give her a chance. I was definitely pleasantly surprised.

Who was everyone's first Doctor? Mine was Eccleston, though I'm currently trying to watch some of the older ones. My favorite Doctor has to be Matt Smith, with Eccleston a close second.
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